Wednesday, June 22, 2022

C...U...Curiosity 🍇

Do u know the way to Fresno State...or Merced...or...🌻

Mario Banuelos on Twitter: "My mom would bring home grapes after working all day in the hot sun. It's hot today. It'll be hot all week. So, ⬜ Go outside for 10 minutes. ⬜ Publicly acknowledge the workers who pick your fruit at meetings/events. ⬜ Acknowledge your privilege. Gonna call my mom now." / Twitter

Mario Banuelos on Twitter: "Retweeting every heatwave @UFWupdates" / Twitter

Fresno State CCGC on Twitter: "Men Can Stop Rape is a social media campus-wide campaign recognizing the importance of allyship by standing alongside survivors of sexual assault and to prevent future assaults.  For questions, please email Estevan Parra Guerrero at #SAAM @Fresno_State" / Twitter

Dr. Suzanne Sindi on Twitter: "I am so frustrated at the process for dealing with sexual harassment is w/in the university. I've dealt with this system in different roles (as an instructor and now as a Chair). A more victim centric process is possible, and I wish we had one." / Twitter


Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe (she/her)👩🏽‍🔬🌍 on Twitter: "@SuzanneSindi Too often, the system operates as if it is designed to shield the institution (and the harassers) from damages, not to seek truth or protect victims. If this is not fixed, academia will continue to protect toxic individuals while frustrating everyone else till they leave. 😔" / Twitter

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