Monday, July 26, 2021

Was just thinking about a good influence

The mechanic I used to see who saved me when my old car died. He sold me the used car I now drive. He kept it in great condition. It is now 18 years old. I haven't had to pay for anything major on it. He let me pay him for it in installments. I was so grateful. I got a reliable car right away, and I didn't have to stress out about it too much.

He used to bug me a little about not being married, and one time he called my boyfriend "Hollywood." He gave him a compliment about his hair. One time he said something to me about how my hair looked: "Hey did you do that for me?" And a woman in the back said something along the lines of "he likes you." I think she was his wife. He just looked kind of "aw shucks" and she was like "ha-ha."

I brought him a print-out of a little photo collage and the story of "marriage date night" after that happened, and he asked if I was Armenian because of how we got married by two Armenian sisters and ate dinner at an Armenian place to celebrate. No, but it's funny because we met because we knew someone who was part Armenian, a very long time ago. The mechanic was Armenian. He was going to retire soon, and then the pandemic happened. I also brought him the printout because of a time when he told me it bothers him when customers move away and he never hears from them. He put effort into getting to know people. He was very talkative but didn't enjoy reading. He probably looked at the pictures but didn't read any of it. His wife and daughter liked to read though. If he kept it around the office, they might have read it.

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