Monday, October 24, 2016

Something I read about...

Because I was thinking about certain dissatisfying aspects of culture...

"Symptoms of inflexible expectations of manhood and repressed individuality, symptoms of trying to be someone you're not. Feelings of inadequacy easily morph into bitterness.
For some boys, the King's identity fit like a glove. It was natural for them to aspire to the triumvirate of masculinity: sporting success, sexual conquest, and the possession of a steel liver.
But more often I saw boys for whom college didn't fit. Boys like me..."


"It took more than a year for me to realize that King's mystical reputation—that it was a sort of hedonistic Shangri-La free from responsibility—wasn't real. For it to be real, all men would have to be born the same, and women, well, they'd have to not take up space at all. It would've meant going back to a crueler, harsher time. 
That's where this issue really comes from: the past. Any institution too heavily invested in the past loses sight of the present. And for colleges, this is painfully clear in their ideas of gender.
Oxford University's last all-male college, St. Benet's, opened its doors to women in 2015 with little fanfare or backlash. When queried about the perceived loss of tradition, the master of St. Benet's Professor Werner Jeanrond said, "It depends on how you view tradition. Is it something that you contribute to or something that is an exhibit in a museum?"


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