Friday, October 07, 2016

Another thing

Before I got to the less well-lit area, a woman handed me a card with some kind of website on it. It was about politics and progressivism, and people who want a change. She said it's for a lot of Bernie people, and it's people who don't want this ridiculous presidental election to happen again.

Well...I took it...but I was thinking that it's too bad more of the Bernie people weren't more attentive to gender equality and sexual discrimination and sexual harrassment which, as my walk home this evening proves, happens to young men too...NO Hillary wasn't perfect (Monica! Monica!) However, WOMEN who supported Bernie were under-attentive to those things.

Sorry, that's the impression I got...
I wasn't the only one...

OLD, but...

Anyway, that woman seemed nice, even though I have a feeling we weren't on the same page about some things. I fully intended to check out the website. But I was holding the card in my hand, and may have dropped it during the very unfortunate sexual harrassment street encounter.


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