Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Opening grafs

Boo. :-(

"While the Supreme Court heard a case on Texas' restrictive abortion laws this March, Indiana's legislature was in the process of approving an abortion bill that is arguably worse. Like Texas' HB 2 law, Indiana's HB 1337 bill also restricts women's financial access to abortions, but in order to do so, its capitalizes on ridiculous guilt-tripping. Indiana may be seen as a quiet state in the midwest, but its gross disregard for women's reproductive rights is among the worst in the nation. The state also ranks low in the promotion of social equality within the LGBT community."  


"Ohio Gov. John Kasich, the latest Republican to step into the presidential fray, has widely been labeled the moderate in a GOP field that tilts sharply to the right. Climate change? It's real. Common Core educational standards? He'll take it. Medicaid expansion? Sure. Immigration reform? He's open to the possibilities. But his celebrated moderation disappears when it comes to reproductive rights. The religious * former congressman and two-term governor is a hardliner on abortion: As governor he's signed and supported some of the most stringent anti-abortion legislation in the country. "


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