Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wow and again

"Last I checked, he still had tenure." 

I read an interesting article. Now several memories (including ones from a mid-2000s grad school situation) resurface. My experience wasn't the same as this woman's but I think hers is well worth reading. And isn't it sad when you feel like you can't draw attention to certain societal problems without making people kind of hate you for doing it? Yes, that is a very sad place to be.

" I believed he wanted to talk to me because he found me smart and interesting." 

We need to become better communicators. Humans are human. Is flirtation always so awful? Maybe there are some situations where people can indulge in flirtation and have good creative outcomes, or even good relationships if they communicate well enough and if there is also RESPECT.

"Would I have deserved the scorn and trouble? Would I have deserved censure..." 

The problem, I think, is that the way the system is set up, it promotes behavior that is lacking in those very qualities.

 "...with lifetime job security and easy access..."

This is exactly the type of stuff I think about when I say tenure can be (not always is but CAN BE) terrible and unfair. Sigh. Yes we are all humans... inhabiting the SAME PLANET but living in DIFFERENT WORLDS!

Here is the article:

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