Saturday, September 19, 2015

Love! Beauty! Etc.

I went online and looked around and in the midst of everything I found people talking about this...

And I went, "Hmmm."

So maybe there is this thing in their relationship where he loves her but doesn't deeply desire her.

She may think that's about her looks...but I don't necessarily think so. Maybe that's just because that's the kind of marriage he wants, and it would turn into that no matter who he married, regardless of how old she was or how attractive she looked...because being "in love" all the time...that's actually kind of sick, almost. I mean, the stuff where you feel breathless, like you got the wind knocked out of you and all's great...for short periods of time. But if you walked around feeling that way constantly, how would you ever accomplish anything? That's why it's also scary. People can choose to turn off that feeling, and they do. I don't necessarily know what I'm talking about in regard to other peoples' lives. I'm not married, either. But that's what that article made me think of.  Also, it made me think of this song I heard two guys singing in a coffee house (and they did such a great job with it that I'm kind of sad I can't find an acoustic version online like that...)

Vic Damone ~ Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful

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