Friday, September 04, 2015

Bibliothecally unpopular?

It would seem so, from resent searches in World Cat. Book after reader-friendly book on the topic of women and childlessness are difficult to access from any sort of library.

But I did have a nice surprise. It looks like one of the libraries I petitioned acquired this book!

(Alas it is multiple states away. But still...nice surprise.)


Highlighted comment from a mom (on Silent Sorority):

5.0 out of 5 stars Wow! This book helped me understand my daughter's infertility, May 26, 2011
This review is from: Silent Sorority: A Barren Woman Gets Busy, Angry, Lost and Found (Paperback)
I am deeply greatful to the author for writing this book. My stomach turned when I read some of the stupid comments made to encourage and give hope, the insensitive things said in ignorance or impatience, because I was guilty of saying them myself to my own daughter. I have a much better understanding of what she is experiencing. I have felt puzzled and helpless when I have seen her lose it with pregnant friends and family members, but knowing that every blasted 28 days she receives another reminder of loss and failure really brings it into focus. This is a cross no one should have to bear. It is more pain than anyone should have to endure. I now notice all the constant reminders that are all around us every day, all the time. A ceaseless reminder of the one thing she desires so much being behond her reach. But the hope that Pam gives for finding her way out of the pain is beautiful. There is no recovery from this. How can one recover? It isn't possible. I am going to send a copy to a family member who has been especially insensitive. She should have to go through the Twilight Zone.

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