Sunday, August 02, 2015

It's vacation...vacation time...

Those it's 3 a.m. but it doesn't feel like it's 3 a.m. thoughts.

After Derrida, watched this old 80s documentary because, why not? And then, looked at this blog I hadn't read in a while...the first Magic Mike movie has been lying around, unwatched. I sort of wanted to see the second one (because I thought being around a bunch of women screaming in the movie theater would be kind of a fun experience) but DIDN'T.

Hours fly by and the day is over before I know it.

If there is an older song that would be deemed "good" IF it hadn't been played on the radio a zillion times and also remindful of those years sullenly spent working next to a smoky bar (whoo, the restaurant biz) maybe this would be it...

Incubus ~ Drive

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