Saturday, May 30, 2015

There is a thing that life does

which is this: it shapes your view point, based on certain circumstances...and at this time, it seems to me that even if I did do those things society would praise me for doing, such as getting married & pregnant, that is not the point...for even if I did, what about people who do not have those options? I mean, at this time it seems to me that marriage is a choice, but getting pregnant is less so...there are many women who would have and believed they could and tried and spent $$$ and yet it did not happen for then... Why should their experiences be ignored and denied?

And fertility also seems connected to our food system, to me. We need food to be fertile. So if we are always turning a blind eye to a system where some (too many) workers are forgotten and mistreated (and perhaps even in some cases exposed to pesticides that could cause infertility) while we just eat the food without thinking about it, how is that going to help fix anything???

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