Friday, May 08, 2015

Sooo, a mom thing

I really admire this artist so very much...but I must disagree with this.

"My mother would say, “Until you’re a mom, you won’t understand love.” I’d roll my eyes when I heard that, but you and I know she’s right."

You know, when you say stuff like that, maybe you are just trying to impress on all around you about what a wonderful and powerful experience you've had.

So what are you saying to someone who is biologically incapable of having a child?

I mean, it's like a thousand times worse than saying "I'm so glad I'm not fat, like you are" to someone. Or something else that you would know is just blatantly cruel.

What about women who've had a ton of miscarriages and couldn't adopt and couldn't become "a true mom" and "truly know what love is?"

When I read this type of quote, I think about those women. I think those women deserve mothering.

Saying something like "you never know true love unless you become a mom," that is not mothering to those women.

Good grief. It's like saying "You'll never know know what true romantic love is, until you have experienced the heterosexual definition of marriage."

"You'll never know, until you've come to Jesus, what true spirituality is."

But if you really feel so strongly about it, maybe you should just say "I."

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