Monday, March 10, 2014

a little poem galaxy ii

My friend who recently passed away had things to say before he left earth. I do feel a little funny posting some of them, but I am just about 100% sure he would not mind. And it seems like it makes my headache go away. These are a few of his bestowings... 

From January 7
With my LifeVest external defibrillator I have a better idea how good it feels when a woman takes off her bra.

From January 23 
The device I use to summon a nurse is called a 'call bell'. It also is used to control the TV and a light. Unfortunately the ringer doesn't work for me so the nurses can see my light turn on but not hear the ringer. It could be said I need more call bell.

From Feb. 16
Had a setback but now I'm back.

From Feb. 17
Happy Precedent's Day. I don't think I have ever made this joke before.

Poem on the last day (March 1, 2014):

Hospital insomnia

The usual suspects.
Maybe the midnight solitary wakes
Telling me I know secret knowledge now
Of mystery cures

The zonked out family
Growing a common gold crown of insomnia

The helpful lurking nurse
Watchful over a puzzle of beeping alarms

The nurse recommending sleep cuz
Tomorrow is a big day
But my candy cane options
Are mindless TV drivel
Or the flying thoughts of my mind

The boxy green light alien hanging from the ceiling
The warm hot breathing tubes
Fiery and
How the black levels
Support the full feathered breaths
Through the coughs
That I may one day support others
The one thing I can do now
Taking out of league breaths
Just to prove I can
Do take deep breaths
Without setting off alarms
Find peace in the cyclone

Feeding tube down nose
Silently circulation liquid food in

And burbling coming up my throat
Like a black catburglar
Establishment will not negotiate

The ever present professional ready to
Pee or poop or play whatever black ball

And me trying to thread the camel
Write this poem
Not setting off my heart

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