Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Oh, honestly

Accidentally found this: Philosophy: Who Needs It--Ayn Rand talk (USMA 1974). Good grief. Is THAT why there was a big thick hardcover copy of The Fountainhead laying around the various homes/apartments of my childhood when I was a kid...shall we peruse the web to see if we can find that old school copy? Alas, it seems not...vaguely remember that it had a woman's face on the jacket (I think) and looked so big and important, Like That's What The Grown-ups Read...I think the first few chapters of it were as far as I ever got...probably was too bored with (yay) Howard only I feel like thinking about wine glasses...I wonder if a wine and Ayn Rand novel club could be funny or just painful...probably painful...but who knows...

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