Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Be a lady the song goes
How funny is it, that in the passage of a few short hours, outlook on life can change? Life's a bitch and then you...but one can feel trapped and choiceless, and LUCKLESS, and then one can feel open to the possibility that maybe there are some choices, and not feel so horridly unlucky, because, well, a change has come about.
Consider: a person, reading a paperback book on a bed.
Person B observed this and found it a bit of a gloomy scene.
What to do?
Flop down.
Tuck chin down then up.
Make the eyes wide.
Some flailing of arms and legs.
Reader person looked up
And with a slight touch of sarcasm, inquired:
Can I help you?
No! said B.
And then left, somehow pleased
with how the situation had been handled.

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