Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Funny Fizzy Grape Juice

This is funny. It calls to me. And makes me want to drink the fizzy juice. Some person (I don't know who) put the lyrics of the not-so-very-loved "500 Miles" in a chipmunk voice with some kind of organ music, like I might've put on my answering machine tape in college. While asking a friend in my dorm to blurt "Leave Vun Vunderful Message!" in imitation of her father's Russian accent. The person who did this imagines that it's what a song called "Cactus Practice" will sound like. "We must do something about your obsession," someone said to me somewhat recently. "Shut up," said I. (Something I would not have said, if said person had said something about purchasing concert tickets...) For better or worse, now it has entered my life. Because not all of life will be fine wine! Sometimes it will be fizzy delish juiced grape. ~~~~~ Now the Mamas and the Papas are singing "California Dreamin'" on TV. The thin girl, she's older now. It's not unkind to say, she looks like a person who could be in a dentures commerical. And there she is young again! Oh man. Some part of me is in denial. Do I think I'm still 8 years old in the 80s. And people who were young in the 60s still look young as adults? Maybe sometimes I do think so. Also. How funny to long for the opposite of the song. I mean, stepping into a church on a snowy day and longing for warm California weather sounds awesome. Especially the snowy church part.

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