Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Seeing other people's side, too

I guess that the whole health insurance (I'm looking for some now) situation is a challenge to us to see how open we can be to finding a solution and that involves seeing others' sides of the story. So if you have good insurance, but you're afraid of losing it, or even if you only have okay health insurance but you're afraid of things getting worse, this is something that shows how much you are able to see another's situation. If you don't have good insurance, and need it, and want change, how compassionate can you be towards others who seem to be blocking that change?
If you are sick, and stressed out, how can you be compassionate towards other people? And if you hit a wall or feel like your limit has been reached, maybe all you can do for a moment is pray. I personally know people who have worked very hard in their life and now are out of options because they had cancer when they were younger and no insurance company will accept them. This is a funny quote too: "I think it's the height of hypocrisy that a single-payer system is American-as-apple-pie if you're 65, but a socialist nightmare if you're 64." From: Do You Want to Be Right, or...

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