Sunday, February 07, 2010

New turn of events

Hah, I sort of, like, got fired from a job today. That's a first! Well, I couldn't go in. There's snow, you see. There's roads, you see, that aren't good for my car to be on right now. There's 13 miles of that sort of road, you see. The buses weren't running. The Metro stations by me weren't open.
Yeah, but someone just didn't see.
(Responsible things I did: warned in advance, called people, tried to get shift covered, asked them if they want to send out a truck to pick me up.)
Instead, I'm told I have a "bad attitude." Ha. I guess that attitude is shared by my other employer & school and the fact that the federal government is getting shut down tomorrow. And the roads...
Nature must have a bad-ass attitude.
It's a sign!!!!

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