Thursday, December 10, 2009


Easily save money on a slow day off: chew gum and drink tea all day.
Then, have a "sensible dinner." (I hate going to bed hungry!)
And, for all of us with health insurance challenges: Edgar Cayce stuff.
Minaret bans: too ridiculous. Even a Baptist newspaper thinks so.
I like posts with "witch" pictures and "weenie roast" in the title. Among others. And it was also good to read some positive news. The sad little stereotype which I found to be true in grad school was that women will read books highlighting either men or women, but many men will not find books about women (I think of Song of the Water Saints) to be sufficiently engaging. This was true among almost all male students, some female students, and also male TAs who told me "it was emotionally draining to read" and the "students didn't like it" and they "didn't think the professor liked it." (And, they didn't like it.) Sad.
I do still like some "men's adventure" stories. Like Never Cry Wolf.
On second thought, I may cut short today's "tea and chewing gum" fast.

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