Thursday, November 05, 2009


Last night I woke as if from a very scary dream, but all it was about was one girl saying about another "I think she is scary." Maybe I am sensitive to some things. I was running around today with an abnormal amount of stress. I also think that Thanksgiving will be interesting with my new bro-in-law (a veteran), very hyper guy who sometimes seems to have a different sense of humor. Like the time he pretended to run me down in his car in a parking lot. I did not at all find it funny. Maybe it is due to a childhood in foster homes, or being sent to a war overseas and picking up the body parts of his friends. I suppose that might mess with your sense of reality. I also hope people will contemplate the mental health issues of human beings who deal with war. However, my belief is that this one should not get more press than all the copious instances of violence against women on bases and overseas that are connected with war.

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