Monday, September 17, 2007

Artsy kinds of things

Today I went with a friend to the National Art Gallery and we saw an exhibit about Edward Hopper. The last painting we saw was Sun in an Empty Room. This painting, she told me, always makes her smile. If I remember correctly, the description on the side of it said that when he was asked what he was trying to "get at" in the painting, he said, with a rather wry smile, "I'm trying to get at ME." Also saw a film about him and it talked a little bit about his wife, which prompted me to later look up and read an article entitled Man and Muse. Which also prompted me to think, man, if thats the life, I hope they were able to reincarnate into another one that was a little more peaceful. Then we had pho.
Later, at work, a friend of mine was telling me about a wedding she went to in upstate NY. I said "speaking of weddings, whatever happened to that guy who was dressed as a Care Bear?" "What guy." "Remember, there was a guy who came dressed as a Care Bear?" She frowned at me, as if she couldn't remember. "And his father was the guy who wrote that book, We Were Soldiers Once And Young?" "Oh YEAH." Her face lit up. "Thank you for remembering that! I didn't even remember that he came dressed up as a Care Bear. We don't have any pictures of him in it..." She said, "Well he's doing really well. He lives in Texas now, and he really likes the community and his family lives there..." "You mean, his mom." "No, his dad lives there." I said, "I thought that they didn't get along." She said "Well, they didn't used to, but actually they reconciled." I said, "You know, thats really nice to hear."

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