Saturday, February 18, 2006

TV watching initiates cultural breakthrough

I've been seeing a lot of the cute Canadian figure skating couple on USA. I've also been watching some of the coverage of the Olympics on the Canadian TV channel.

Click here to see a map of Canada.

Despite the fact that I have lived for much of my life within a relatively short driving distance of another country (in the states of Washington, New York, and Michigan) I still do not remember, ever, even once in school, looking at a map of Canada like the one in the link. I mean, with all the provinces in different colors and set apart. I've see that sort of map of the U.S. at least a hundred times of course. Canada was always sort of a dull brown mass hovering over 48 shades of pinks blues yellows etcetra.

I mean I'm not saying that they never showed it. I moved around and was absent a lot. Maybe I just missed those days!

So anyways, as a result of watching the Olympics, I decided to finally find a political map of Canada online and look at it just as I've been looking at maps of the United States my whole life.

And there it is! All by itself in pastel colors. Uncanny...

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