Friday, February 10, 2006

Girls Gone Mild

On my Chicago trip I discovered that my friend's roommate and her brother had come up with an idea for a satirical revision of "Girls Gone Wild." The video would be called "Girls Gone Mild" and it would feature attractive women in very non-revealing clothing doing seductive things such as reading in the library, knitting, etcetra. I thought it was pretty funny and orginial. However, lo and behold, I see that someone else on the internet already came up with a similar idea....

Very cute.

By the way, after I clicked on the photos, I couldn't believe they were in college! Some of them look like they're about 14 years old to me. Ah, the lovely process of feeling oneself ever so s-l-o-w-l-y m-a-t-u-r-i-n-g.... (hah)

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