"Activists Malala Yousafzai and Greta Thunberg join the Barbie Craze"
Monday, July 31, 2023
Some dads made me feel...
I don't think their "Well, it was hard not to choose Clarence Thomas over Anita Hill when we had SO much more in common with him" parties would be very fun to attend, even if it's an accurate assessment of some of their mindsets.
Oooh, Casa San Gabriel...
Also intriguing, but not my first choice.
"Barbie’s Malibu DreamHouse is back on Airbnb – but..."
"The most wishlisted Amazing Views to fulfill summer wanderlust"
Free the Ice Cream Likers...
In Before Barbie Drink times, do you know, one time within the past year, I was thinking about buying strawberry ice cream, and I pointed at it in the grocery store and said so, and then there was this woman standing nearby who said something like, "But you know, this one is really good, right?" and she made a big deal of pointing at the coffee-flavored one. I said, "Oh yeah, that one is good." And the "The lemon one looks like it could be interesting to try, too."
Bad dream with a quirky ending.
I rescued a scared cat that the Cosby - worshipping ones had put into a crude wooden crate, and the cat spoke to me, saying, "Oh dear, how terribly inconvenient!"
Unfortunately, the last dream was harsh.
Might be worth mentioning since I got an antibiotic and probiotics and I might get better now.
Bill Cosby showed up in it.
See, first I was in a school, taking a class, and learning about society and food banks. It was fine.
But the lighter tone of the dream became less and less friendly.
By the time it ended, I knew the woman who taught the class was in league with a bunch of guys who still worship Bill Cosby.
This body & spirit still need help.
Why. Why. Why.
Help the Universe to Be Better & Beautiful to Us.
Please help people. That might even be yourself.
That was productive.
I had a dream I told a younger version of man he was very insensitive but he had talents, but I wished he were not so insensitive. I woke up very sick. I have learned some nice techniques and they eventually helped and so did taking essences.
If they thought more deeply about long-term effects...
Some people would really act a lot differently. There would be less manipulation going on.
Or who they're sitting next to on a plane, sometimes.
People change their personalities according to who is around them.
Where does it go...
O memory...I went to Peru several times when I was a young woman, and now I am remembering when I met the feminist aunt of the young man I was with. He had such a big family. He seemed proud of her, too. I wish I remembered her name. She made an impression on me that she was very nice person and a grassroots activist and she had many photos of herself gathering with women. Such smiling faces and good energy!!!!
Why does it go away when some get more access to power & money...
"Peru’s First Female President..."
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Nearly wordlessly weary & everything changes eventually.
Bless a so weary soul and body for access to a patch of grass & a blanket to lie on. 😌 Maybe it's simply a weary body & the soul is saying, "Good, very good."
Cilantro reappeared...
While lying down and reading the beginning of Ramona, I was surprised to feel something strange & leafy at my feet.
"Kitchen Window: Cilantro, The Controversial Herb"
I had been making some Pico de Gallo in the kitchen earlier.
I just do not recall how a bunch of the leaves got to the other end of the apartment.
"Ancient and Versatile..."
Messed up a recipe, but
I also discovered how to make a delightful cashew milk with date syrup & cinnamon, which is not so bad?
"Vegan Cashew Cream Recipe (Versatile and Easy)"
Saturday, July 29, 2023
You're so mean girl you probably
think this song is about you....your fragile ego...and how you got trained to be, like, really mean and inhumane and insensitive to certain societal problems...don't you don't you...
Get to feel good that at least some grandparents loved the movies.
Actually, 2023
I am so glad to be able to be growing so much as a human being in this lifetime, and there's been all kinds of interesting challenges to make that happen recently, really.
Damn, these daughters of some moms and dads are making human rights history.
"One woman could barely get words out through her tears. Another ran to the restroom as soon as she was done, wordless, wretched sobs wracking her tiny body. A third threw up on the witness stand.
These are believed to be the first women in the country since 1973 to testify in court about the impacts of a state abortion ban on their pregnancies. They almost certainly won’t be the last."
~ Eleanor Klibanoff & Rebecca Schneid
"Texas women testify against state abortion ban"
Sometimes I think there's actually scarier "when you're famous" people...
Talulah Riley talking about Elon disliking small talk and people thinking he's a genius when he's not talking to them
Sam Oliner, Holocaust survivor & Founder of the Altruistic Behavior Institute
"Sam Oliner, also from Poland, arrived from a displaced persons camp in 1945 'totally uneducated and forlorn.' The staff observed his intuitive skill with animals, and they encouraged him to keep pets of his own. He learned 'not only reading and writing but also how to cooperate, how to be kind,' he said. Tante Anna in particular struck him as 'a farsighted and truly altruistic human being.'”
~ Deborah Cadbury
"Samuel Oliner"
"About | The Altruistic Behavior Institute"
"He leaves behind close friends and colleagues too numerous to mention, among them Arthur Rose, his childhood friend from Bunce Court."
"Samuel Oliner Obituary (1930 - 2021)" - Walnut Creek
Friday, July 28, 2023
Just got a spontaneous craving to look up
"What The F--- Am I Gonna Do With All These Chickpeas" ~ MaryPranksterHQ
"The World Is Full Of Bastards"
🫥😬🫢😇Why not read "Ramona" with a significant other if I didn't read it in school?
"Many credit the novel with giving birth to California tourism."
~ Matthew Wills
"Helen Hunt Jackson’s Ramona Did What Her Nonfiction Couldn’t. And vice versa."
Ramona, by Helen Hunt Jackson
I think if he was such a good Sugar Daddy, he would have freed HER...
But did he? Did olde TJ do that?
"The Monticello Plantation Hides Secrets About..."
How is this similar to what your life is like now? How is it different?
"Despite romantic portraits of California missions, they were essentially coercive religious, labor camps organized primarily to benefit the colonizers."
"California Indian History – California Native American Heritage"
What a patient explanation of other times and other mores...similar, and yet, also different from now.
"A Lot Happened in Paris
What happened in Paris had changed Sally’s life forever. During this important trip, Thomas Jefferson, who was then a widower, began an intimate relationship with Sally Hemings. While Jefferson was then in his mid-40s, Sally was only 16 years old. As a result of their time spent together in Paris, Sally became pregnant."
~ Taylor Greene
I just remembered that scene in the recent Barbie movie where all the Barbies wanna throw up...
Who had, shall we say, NOT the best bedroom in the house????
Sally Jennings? Wait, I mean, Hemmings? Hawwings? Ack...another woman they didn't ever talk about in history class...
"The Monticello Plantation Hides Secrets About..."
Access to more than can fit on a few signs...
"California Indian History – California Native American Heritage Commission"
May a beautiful soul find peace & rest before whatever is next...
"Sinéad O’Connor's torment as victim of Magdalene Laundry"
I feel like drinking water & having cake. Would a pink Barbie drink be a nice treat? Hmmm.
Be nicer to human beings.
"This comes after several recent heat-inflicted deaths of farm workers. Through the nature of their work, farm workers perform labor in dangerously high temperatures and are vulnerable to heat illnesses and death.
The organizations are backing their support for the reintroduction of the Asuncion Valdivia Heat Safety and Prevention Act, named after a California farm worker who was killed by the extreme heat while harvesting grapes in 2004.
'Farm workers are at the frontlines of climate change as extreme heat continues to expose them to more danger,' said UFW Foundation Chief Executive Officer Diana Tellefson Torres. 'We must prevent heat-related deaths and we can do so by establishing a permanent heat standard that provides workers access to shade, paid rest breaks, training, and water.'”
~ Sophia Villalba
I can't tell if she said this part about Native American boarding schools?
"On the show, she ended an acapella performance of Bob Marley’s 'War' by ripping a photo of Pope John Paul II into pieces as a stance against sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. 'Fight the real enemy,' she said.
Sexual abuse committed by clergy of the Catholic Church was pervasive for centuries against children around the world, including in Ireland. Native American children sent to Indian Boarding Schools that were operated by Catholic Churches suffered as well, separated from their families and tribes."
~ Neely Bardwell
It's not being mentioned much elsewhere if she did say it...
"Native people and the Irish have long been allies. During Ireland’s Great Famine, the Choctaws collected $170—the equivalent of $4,400 in today’s dollars—and sent it across the Atlantic Ocean to help feed the starving people in Ireland."Why is picking food still so dangerous?
"Her son Andy joined her when he turned 13.
'She needed help to pay for food,' Andy recalled.
But in the summer of 2021, things changed for Abalos. That year, a heat wave swept across the Pacific Northwest. Temperatures hit triple digits for weeks on end.
'He was so little,' Abalos said in Spanish. 'I no longer wanted to take him when we started to go in at 3 a.m. because it was very dangerous. We would run into snakes, other animals and we pick blindly because they gave us a little lamp and we barely see our hands.'
Due to the heat, the harvest times got earlier. Picking berries in the hot sun is a danger to both the fruit and the workers."
~ Ximena Bustillo & Andrea Hsu
She would have been older than the farmworker dad who just died. She could have babysat him.
"The cross reads: 'María collapsed from a heat stroke and no water access. This is in her name and of those others who have lost their lives at work. We demand justice and respect; no more abuse to workers and to future generations. May she rest in peace and may God give her glory.'"
~ Maricela De La Cruz
"Pregnant teen's heat-related death impacted CA farmworkers..."
"Death of Yuma farmworker sparks calls for extreme heat protections"
It's also sad to be reminded by a top news story
There's never a collective moment for an Anne Frank or a María Isavel Vásquez Jiménez.
Anne Frank got no money for her art, and María Isavel Vásquez Jiménez could not even give her child a life, much less a trust fund.
"Pregnant teen's heat-related death impacted CA farmworkers..."
"Sinéad O'Connor Revealed What She 'Instructed' Her Kids to Do in the Event of Her Death (Exclusive) The Irish singer-songwriter told them they should call someone else before they dial 911"
Visited another new place today.
X: This would have been interesting to learn about in school. Did you learn about this in school?
Y: Shakes head and whispers "No."
Closed my eyes, and who did I seem to see
She needed to be acknowledged:
Margot Frank
A genius! Why didn't I learn about her? Well, better late than never, l suppose.
"Schoolteacher Anna Essinger Saved Her Students From The Nazis"
Hello...is it environmentally conscientious people you're looking for...
"California's Extreme Heat Injures 20,000 workers a year"
Goodness, this universe has been something.
Well, rest in peace until you guys come back again to give it another try on an even hotter planet.
"Sinéad O'Connor: What happened..."
Way to make me feel good about myself for not burdening one son with my emotional issues and acting like he's the favorite compared to the other three, geez.
At least Jesus knows Dad deserved better.
"Death of Yuma farmworker sparks calls for extreme heat protections"
Treat Yourself.
Stop abandoning the ones who were treated even worse by the Patriarchy than you were treated.
Tell Grandma it's a new life & she can dream bigger now.
"My grandma acted like she didn't give a rat'$ a$$ if you lose your human rights to the patriarchy, and now, so do I."
Did you learn it from Grandma?
I feel like some, NOT ALL, but some, people get more like the conservative ones that they disavowed in their family as they get older.
It's so funny how the feminine feeling coffee place was offering a Ken pink drink, too though.
"Barbie Women Speech Made Men Cry on Set, Says Greta Gerwig"
Maybe they'll get deeply helpful in the future.
I don't know why this year, of all years, has to be giving such "Her Mary Magdalene loves the privileged white guys better than anyone else" vibes whenever I look at her account.
"Beautiful night celebrating Mary Magdalene at the @VinaRoblesAmp."
Almost 6 am! SO early...
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Maybe more people will know soon...
They could grow out of the old, oppressive ways & still have a lot of fun. They could still meet interesting people and explore new places and help the planet more in the process.
Relinquishing old patriarchal ways needn't be so difficult. They have everything to gain and not all that much to lose.
Do they beat their daughter? So submissive. When does she get married off?
Amadeus (1984) "Canine Concert" deleted scene - YouTube
Slower to Change Than Expected Saddens
"Grandma with misogyny issues who treats men better than she treats women just couldn't apologize like F. Murray Abraham apologized because she's from an older generation that won't do that, and will still uphold patriarchal standards at the expense of others."
Less narcissistic behavior leads to much better and healthier feelings
It's kinda like childbirth
"Amadeus funny clip - The emperor attends rehearsal"
"F. Murray Abraham: After 1985 Oscar win 'I became..."
"F. Murray Abraham Apologizes After ‘Mythic Quest’"
I decided not to check out the book about the woman who saved school children from Nazis but I skimmed it
How can you be less emotionally immature than your parents when you are still so young and completely dependent on them?
Snarls Still Need Combing.
Resenting Emotionally Immature People Who Make Things Needlessly Worse For Others In Spite of the Gifts They Were Given.
Did they plan any "Why You Needed Empirical Experience Instead of Writing Papers the Professor Didn't Want to Read" conferences yet?
THEY WILL NEED MORE DATA: "Maternal Deaths Are Expected to Rise Under Abortion Bans, but the Increase May Be Hard to Measure"
Sexism is an expression of
Emotional immaturity and deep insecurity, so start with that, maybe sooner rather than later.
Is patience always a virtue, I am wondering.
How come the guy who is still surrounded by people who act like abusive men are more likeable than anyone else on Earth isn't changing faster?
There's some truth to that, sometimes.
~ A. J. Hess
"Toxic Positivity is Ruining Our Workplaces. These 3 Tricks Can Help"
Prayers About Problems People Don't Like To Talk About Will Probably Return In This Lifetime
"In the post, Milliken said he had experienced microaggressions and comments about his hair while working at the school. 'These little humiliations and deep-cutting comments said by many individuals in the workplace are only said to or about African American employees,' Milliken wrote.
In one passage, Milliken alleged that Barragan, who is mentioned by name, threatened him multiple times and x 'also convinced others to take part in the harassment and take up a threatening posture against me.'
Milliken wrote that he submitted a human resources complaint which was 'intentionally leaked.'
School officials confirmed that Milliken had been employed by Mt. SAC and resigned in 2021. Officials also confirmed that the Facebook page containing the documents belonged to Milliken."
~ Christian Martinez
"Before #MeToo There Was Aarefah Mosavi" - BAMN
"Like." "Like."
"In The Time It Takes to Get There"
Grimes - "Oblivion"
Guess I better take this back to the library.
My Friend Anne Frank
Someone else wants to check it out now, apparently.
And these two! What if they have daughter-in-laws someday?
"Jennifer Welch and Angie Sullivan Have Had It with..."
WELCH: 'I don’t really think about Barbies that often, because I’m a grown-ass woman.'”
WELCH: 'I have a wonderful relationship with my sons, but a mama’s boy past the age of 10 or 12 is just a titty baby wuss. Nobody wants to marry a mama’s boy, so I think mothers do their sons a huge disservice when they don’t prepare them for adulthood.'
SULLIVAN: 'I would say that there’s 50% chance your daughter-in-law’s going to hate you, anyway. We both have two boys. One of our daughter-in-laws is going to hate our guts. I mean, that’s just math. So I would say, I like a mama’s boy. I love my little cuddly sons.'”
O Tom. So much doubting.
"Elon Musk Slams ‘Barbie,’ as Box Office Hit"
"Ground Control to Major Tom by David Bowie"
"Walter Semkiw, MD, MPH on LinkedIn: Grimes as the..."
What do they eat...maybe it's not wheat...
"Elon Musk’s No. 2 at SpaceX Does Damage Control"
"Linda Yaccarino: does Twitter’s CEO have the most difficult job in tech?"
What's their ancestry again?
Sometimes G reminds me of the time when I was sitting in a library and a human who dressed like a teenage boy sat at a table behind me & played lots of depressing music like someone who really wanted some attention. Which is different from the time I was in the Eagle Rock library and the woman who looked like E's mom sat there taking notes until she saw me looking at her, and then she got up and left. And then as I left the library, someone who looked like E's sister walked in, looking mad, like she needed to retrieve a parent or something.
Hello, Froggable.
"Ravelry: sld7593's Melly Teddy Ragdoll Shelly & Sandy Mermaid"
"Ravelry: PSStitchin's Mermaid Tail Cocoon"
"Ravelry: CrochetElephant's Feather & Scale Halter"
"Ravelry: AutumnCraftsDsgns' Mermaid Tail Eyeglass"
They are all inspiring! The last one is unfinished & a bit confusing.
Posting Soon!!!!🧜♀️
Since I was just remembering that a girl who kinda looked like Tallulah came down to the pool I used to swim in ages ago (I never go swimming anymore, but that could change because I caught a love of swimming in my very wee formative years), now I think there's a few mermaid-inspired projects on Ravelry that I wanna look up.
G psyches me up to get my next pink drink and feel like I'm taking a Mediterranean vacation.
"Today in strolling by the cameras and looking like Tallulah Riley land."
Uh ~ huh.
"EXCLUSIVE: On-again-off-again exes Elon Musk and G"
Aw, what is this? I haven't heard it yet!
"The Breeders: Pod Album Review" | Pitchfork
Despues de
"Pixies' 'Doolittle' at 30 – we celebrate the anniv"
"I Bleed" ~ The Pixies
Wow I love this
"'Doolittle’ at 30 – enjoy these 30 vital pieces of information about the game-changing Pixies album"
By Tom Howard
&"Mr. Grieves"
Lately.Tiny acorns...
in the scrub...oh weirdly, this song just bubbles up...silly brain.
TLC – "No Scrubs Lyrics" | Genius Lyricshttps://genius.com/Tlc-no-scrubs-lyrics
Tiny acorns.
Don Ho – "Tiny Bubbles Lyrics" | Genius Lyrics
Just to be nice to themselves, too.
Some people's parents could right now be finding people who are much less oppressively shallow and sexist to hang out with. That would really benefit the planet & brighten up so many lives.
Down with their old "Since He's Better than Eric Weinberg..." Mentality.
"Scrubs Writer Eric Weinberg: Hollywood’s Most Prolific..."
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Dudes Raised By Patriarchal Forces To Wanna Be Like Trump Should Know Better
"CNN Staffers Shocked WarnerMedia Hired Morgan Freeman After Sexual Harassment Allegations"
Sickening Sexism, Who Can Solve It?
Creepy Cruel Conans Got SO Much Encouragement From Cults and From Women & Men Who Are Still Punching Down On Other People Just to Feed Their Own Selfish Addictions.
Abusive People Need Help.
Some Women's Unwell Attachments To Abusive Men Is Brought To Them By The Rape Culture & Patriarchal White Supremacy Which Bought Them Their Houses, but the country is filled with people who deserve so much better than what they seem to expect from humanity.
Be less sexist and fascist to people.
I know Sexism made some women act like Stormy Daniels was for them to poop on and the Sexist Show Business Guys were for them to suck up to.
"Conan O’Brien Writer Lashes Out At Stormy Daniels"
Thank the Better Sources
The world is filled with people who are so much better to their fellow human beings than the uncaring abusive rich guys in the show business industry are, along with the people who still make more excuses for those guys's terrible behavior than they do for anyone else.
Be Healthier Than The Abusive Patriarchal Ones
It's sad when the women who are always around unhealthy men who got trained to be routinely disrespectful and mean to girls and women just make excuses for that sort of thing.
Just because they're surrounded by rich men who think they entitled to treat so people poorly in exchange for status or money or more attention or other rewards from the patriarchy.
Problematic Poo Arents Have Reel World Issues, Too
It is so hard for me to be my best self to these people when they're in their electric car Stormy Daniels rocket ship dens of inequity.
Conan Claims He’s “America’s Sweetheart” | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend
At least they're not Trump's administration, though.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
"Liberation from boys being boys:
I’ve dropped in on The Huddle several times over the past six months. One meeting focused on mental health and substance abuse; a former drug addict shared the story of his attempted suicide and recent recovery. Another served as a #MeToo confessional. 'I bet every man in here has a story about how they’ve mistreated a woman,' the facilitator prodded. After a deafening silence, one man threw up his hands. 'I know I’ve done some foul shit.'"
~ Brian Barth in Toronto
Some of them might even know a few women who'd be into liberating themselves from internalized misogyny, too, hmmm?
"Greta Gerwig Responds to Outraged Conservatives Burning Barbies"
Please, this could be a good film, too.
"How Farmworkers Took on a Sonoma County Winery Over Abuses -- And Won"
How wonderful it is to know.
A person who acts like he thinks he's a mocktail can still become an even better mocktail.
Maybe I can pet the nice, shy cat if it comes around again.
Humans wanting to experience pleasure is not so bad, it's just the bullying and cruelty they rely on to get through life that becomes much too addictive to them, and it ruins things.
Ah...water! I need some.
This was in my head a lot today for some reason.
Collective Soul - "December (Official Video)" - YouTube
Good thing some people expect more out of life.
The abusive situation you accepted, that you think is alright for others, is not alright for them.
Poor old them.
Their kids deserve much better access to human rights than the patriarchy wants them to act like they deserve.
It seems sad that some well-off folks just accept living in a realm of brittle superficiality.
Gosh, I wonder if I lived in previous times in circumstances which were both exceedingly wealthy and spiritually confining, and swore I wouldn't need to go through that again? I bet I did live through that, or else something in the universe really really really wanted me to think so.
Of course, this time around I got to experience how much anxiety and disrespect and exploitation occurs when you are at a different level in society.
When poorer people have less access to resources and are prone to being more exploited, that actually harms all of the weathier ones in our society, too.
A good creature must have a good soul, too.
I saw a nice, shy cat that probably had good interactions with people at some point, and still thinking about how I wish I could have pet it.
Congratulations to Your Earth Life for Emotional Development.
You had someone who might have been homeless or a migrating person with a mask on wave at you as you backed the car out of a space, and you didn't know what to do about that, but you put out a little food for a stray cat, in an alternate reality on this planet.
Well, thanks to the examples of Otto & Victor, amongst others
I know that "more money leads to more mediocrity" is not every man's lot in life.
Financial Planning, Amirite?
How's the bank account for flying the descendants to much less fascist countries to deliver the legitimately valued offspring looking these days?
I had contact with teenage persons of the male gender on this day in history.
They reminded me that some rich older guys act out a lot more adolescently than they do, in the 2020s. Maybe they saw the Barbie movie?
On an upbeat note...
When there's actually so many privileged ppl in the world who are actively trying hard to make life better instead of worse for humanity...they're the ones who are helping. They're the ones you should be thinking about!
Besides Eva Braun
Who else was a nice mom? I guess Eva didn't have as many children to take care of...
Really weird of some women & some men.
I can't believe how much better some people would be treating me these days if I were a guy with a lot of money who likes to sexually harass people for fun.
It is so sad that children suffer.
Just because the patriarchy wants you to act like the unwell guys who bully people when they don't get "their way" all the time are the most important humans on this Earth.
Because no amount of dehumanizing is ever enough for them...
Fascists want to oppress people on both sides of the border, and if you do not care, you are helping them oppress your friends and your family, and that is very, very, very, very SAD!
Dear Feminist or Not-SO-Feminist Men & Women,
Which of your friends, male or female, do NOT act like easily recruited concentration camp guards (who mostly were not even Nazis to begin with, but they just needed a job!) when it comes to respecting human rights for "certain kinds of people?"
Do they want more people throwing up in court because of cult mentality & cruelty?
"Why Are OBGYNs Being Forced to Go to Texas?"
Little kids and parents deserve better.
"Yuma farmworker and father of two dies after collapsing amid record heat wave"
I feel I love BIG CLOUD ENERGY right now.
One time I looked up someone on my phone, and even though I was already in a dark room with the curtains shut, the room got a shade darker, as if a cloud had passed by outside, and I just felt it. LOVE!
And also, papers on abortion might be getting more and more popular.
"No Mercy’: Women Denied Abortions Testify, Cry, and Vomit"
E's Fan Boys & Fan Girls can still write papers about him, probably.
"Elon Musk’s Texas campus raises environmental concerns"
If E's trauma is causing him to reject his feminine side, he's in good company!
"Elon Musk Shares Meme Showing Instagram As Barbie and Twitter as Oppenheimer"
Yes, but his poor taste has bought a few people some houses.
"Is Conan O'Brien's 'creepy sexual guy' bit in poor taste"
Sexism has people make some strange choices!
"You have forty..."
Sexism helped whoever made their video feel GOOD about putting the rich guy first. This one never even worked there or took a class there, yet that's how they chose to set it up their video, by making HIM the STAR.
And to think, SO many at my old sexist workplace looked up to this dude.
"and sometimes you don't even want to go to work!"
"Workplace sexual harassment in agriculture is gaining recognition as a profound threat to the lives and health of farmworkers, and the integrity of our rural jobs and communities. Recent studies estimate female farmworkers face sexual harassment at a rate 2-3 times higher than other work sectors. Many farms lack appropriate training and prevention programs to protect workers and are seeking assistance. The PNASH Center has been working with stakeholders throughout Washington state to develop a sexual harassment prevention program specific to the needs of this industry and culturally appropriate for Latino farmworkers."
"Sexual Harassment Prevention | Pacific Northwest A"
Pretty much.
How is being a parent like being a cocaine addict (sometimes, not always)?
Oppressed people are always laboring diligently to make the experience more accessible to some than it is to others, and the abusive rich guys seem to get treated with more fawning indulgence than ANYONE ELSE IN THE WHOLE WORLD.
But what if a high heel made of Jell-O could have been funny.
"According to the outlet, Schumer and her sister Kim Caramele had worked on the script and written Barbie as an inventor. However, the publication reported that the studio at the time wanted her invention to be a high heel made of Jell-O and gifted Schumer a pair of Manolo Blahniks to celebrate her role. As she put it, 'The idea that that's just what every woman must want, right there, I should have gone, 'You've got the wrong gal.'"
~ Elyse Dupre
"Amy Schumer Reveals the Real Reason She Dropped Out of Barbie movie"
"Tori Amos Reveals Serious Leg and Ankle Injuries"
"Hard To Swallow: Allie Rowbottom’s Jell-O Girls"
They're funny!!!!
Dear Trad Moms,
'Conan O’Brien Writer Lashes Out At Stormy Daniels"
Sometimes it seems like the women with the genes that white supremacy has traditionally preferred still gotta lotta "programmed to fight each other for their patriarchal privileges" issues going on, but perhaps they can be the grandchildren's next philanthropic project.
Boys should be able to play with Barbies.
I got to play with little cars and blocks and Tinker Toys, which may have helped me score higher on that one spatial relations test I took in college, which I found fun, but the other girls mostly found it exasperating, judging by all the sighs in the auditorium, and since they were a bunch of young ladies who had been raised in those environments of 1980s Super Southern Feminine Gender Roles, they probably did not get their Tinker Toys to play with, for they did not do so well on that test, and they kind of made a big deal about it when we looked at our test scores because they saw that I did sort of well on it (spatial relations was my 3rd highest score, just below reading and writing.)
Well, if the Tinker Toys did that for me, just think of what playing with Barbies will do for the boys!?
It's pretty exciting to think about it. Even when I remember it now, I still feel like it was a special experience.
However, many of the girls who grew up in the South had received more instruction in the way of dance lessons and posture, so I got that message, too.
But anyway, thank you, Tinker Toys. That was a fun lesson for me. Now, go get those boys some Barbie dolls!!!!
Bummer, they got to him.
"Ken’s vengefulness, which masks his rage, shame, and insecurities, is largely a byproduct of Barbie’s lack of sexual-romantic interest in him. Ken is the prototypical patriarchal man, who is raised to believe his identity and worth are explicitly tied to his sexuality and ability to sexually dominate women."
~ Noor Noman
Can't sleep! But it will happen.
Do any moms or dads of daughters who have struggled with caving in to uncaring patriarchal values have any kind of memories or experiences to draw upon which can help them to be much less abusive towards their fellow human beings from this day forward? I would like to know which moms or dads would be able help me know how to be someone who is better at not instilling toxic patriarchal behavior patterns in others, just in case I ever become a parent sometime soon. Or, even if it happens in the next lifetime, or something like that. Well, just in case that scenario ever happens, it would be good to find the parents who are interested in advancing towards a more openly humane society, you know???
Monday, July 24, 2023
Now I feel curious to see this place someday...
"Lyon is a city that creates chefs, says Buford, and he thinks he knows why: Everything the Lyonnais eat is grown right around them. 'Lyon finds itself among vineyards and rivers and mountain lakes, among birds and pigs and fish,' he writes."
~ Eleanor Beardsley
"Buford obsesses over the intersecting currents of French and Italian culinary history. He pours over cookbooks: La Varenne's 1651 Le Cuisinier François, but also worn, family recipe books picked up at flea markets. 'I coveted stained, used, filthy ones,' he says, 'and found an almost addictive pleasure in flipping through pages that had been studied, in some cases, more than a century before.'
Buford describes one recipe book as 'a seventy year conversation between a grandmother, a mother and a daughter, until finally it was swept out in an estate-clearing auction of whatnots and ended up on eBay.'
He called another collection of recipes 'radiant and sad and beautiful.' It was put together on 'sheets of another era's thin paper,' by a French soldier captured by the Nazis when they invaded France in 1940. The prisoner of war painstakingly details the recipes for his nation's most beloved dishes — a cassoulet from the southwest; a cervelas de Strasbourg from Alsace. Buford senses his urgency in case these should be lost. 'It needs to be preserved, like civility, like dignity, like the table, like a shelter that protects us from the ugliness just outside our front door — the crudeness, cruelty, selfishness, the incomprehensible injustice.'
That soldier, says Buford, recognized that cuisine 'protects us in our humanity.'"
~ Eleanor Beardsley
Okay, Thomas.
Watch "1. Buy Twitter --- 2. Copy WeChat --- 3. Profit"
"a sparklingly confident, charismatic man"
~ Michael Almereyda
"Why Elon Musk is More Like Thomas Edison Than Nikola Tesla"
Watch "Elon Musk "Why Do Anything?"" on YouTube
Kitchens, kitchens.
"The kitchen can be a brutal world of daily bullying and humiliations. Take Mathieu, a 15-year-old aspiring chef who arrives eager for his internship. 'He was like a petri dish of the workplace's toxins,' writes Buford. 'He had arrived innocent, got roundly abused, and was now trying to find his place as an abuser.'
Then there is the shy Hortense, the only woman in the kitchen. She's subjected to the kind of harassment and jokes one can only imagine in a macho, French kitchen of the pre-#metoo era. But Hortense, like everyone else, has to suck it up and show rigueur for the good of the kitchen. And the axiom 'What goes on in the kitchen stays there' prevails above all."
~ Eleanor Beardsley
Who knows what she gets out of being a smiley, oppressive bully?
"Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds greets guests Friday at the Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines."
2024 GOP candidates forced to grapple with Iowa's 6-week abortion ban (nbcnews.com)
Feminism is really gonna help the guys with so many things, too.
Like, if they meet again in the next life, and someone messes with C, B will definitely help him out.
"One Ticked-Off Comic, Venting to the Faithful"
‘Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop’ - Review - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
If C's having a different kind of crisis, such as getting anemic from too much bleeding, B's not going to just ditch him to go jam with some chauvinistic pals while C calls out for help to a higher power, or from the witchy women with the healing herbs, or the people who own a car that can take him to a hospital.
Good Times!
"Why America Ferrera’s ‘Barbie’ monologue resonates"
"I started sobbing when I realized how big of a role America Ferrera had in the Barbie movie.
I loved my Barbies growing up and I would routinely ask my dad how I could get lighter skin to look like my Barbies.
"I hope the Barbie movie makes people break up their terrible boyfriends 😈"
Sunday, July 23, 2023
Ladies who supposedly escaped.
"History – Margot Wölk, Adolf Hitler's Food Taster"
Really. Safe?
It's not, "You make me feel like I need to run away from a crack house, or the Nazis, or an incel-infested frat party?!?!?"
Watch "What every husband wants his wife to tell him..." (According to some guy who certainly can't speak for all husbands).
Sexism, again.
Now: Like trying to get away from a crack house where people die.
When I Was Younger: Like trying to get away from gossipy people who want you to smoke with them just to validate their addictions and make them feel better.
Stop the Flooding!
The grandparents who benefited the most from patriarchal white supremacy can't be inconvenienced, even if they are still being extremely inconsiderate!
"A Catastrophic Flood on California’s Central Coast Has Plunged Already Marginalized Indigenous Farmworkers Into Crisis:
Cascading climate disasters and unjust labor and immigration policies leave undocumented farm laborers without a safety net"
By Liza Gross
July 23, 2023
Parent's Day, when does Rehab start for The Bullies?
What about next time?
Will the "girls and women they trained themselves to dehumanize more than the others just because some abusive patriarchs were being insecure and needy and greedy again" be able to have more access to something much better?
Difficult Rich Dad Syndrome
'Bullying and punching down on people is even more important to us than buying big houses because being controlling of our circumstances and other people is the only way we can feel high when things get tough. You can thank the other patriarchal people for rewarding us and for feeding our addictions to being abusive."
The calendar says it is "Parent's Day"
"How cool that some parents teach their kids to act like X kinds of human beings deserve human rights"
"How to act like X kinds of humans deserve civil rights even if you had parents who did not find that sort of thing at all interesting to think about."
Because maybe some of the better people believed???
"Dairy farm workers sentenced for commercial sex exploitation of 16-year-old girl in Wisconsin"
They're harmful, toxic, disappointing, and destructive, too.
Meet the parents who hate that you won't pretend their bigotry is acceptable in exchange for a little money.
At least she gets to live with a good guy.
"Samantha Casiano, who gave birth to a baby who lived just four hours, broke down and became physically ill on the witness stand as she told the story of her doomed pregnancy in an Austin, Texas, courtroom on Wednesday.
Her husband, Luis Villasana, rushed to the front of the courtroom to help her, during a hearing in a case challenging the abortion bans in Texas."
~ Selena Simmons Duffin
I strongly suspect...
"I'm Sorry ( 1960 ) - Brenda Lee - Lyrics"
That some people will be very sorry that their families were too sexist and racist to see that they were being really crappy...to human beings ... especially to women...and to a lot of the guys too, actually...
Maybe a TIA will be able to enjoy a little more EMPATIA soon.
"A Catastrophic Flood on California’s Central Coast Has Plunged Already Marginalized Indigenous Farmworkers Into Crisis:
Cascading climate disasters and unjust labor and immigration policies leave undocumented farm laborers without a safety net"
By Liza Gross
How young is too young for a "TIA"?
"Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)" | National Institute of Health
Someone who got diagnosed with one told me that she remembered getting hypervigilant and that it felt like her eyes got very big and after that she has memory loss and a problem with a limb.
I experienced some of those symptoms too! But I thought it was just some weird neurological thing that would pass. Or maybe it was just a case of having an empathy crisis?
What if more insecure dads were less enabled to be $O $exist & discriminatory!?
"Washington state fines a mushroom grower $3.4 million for firing women farmworkers and replacing them with male contract labor."
"Where Discrimination Flourished Like Mushrooms" - The Prospect
Friday, July 21, 2023
His Higher Self Must Be Getting SO Tired!
"Elon Musk Reportedly Used Millions of Dollars in Tesla Funds To Secretly Build Himself A Literal Glass House — After Famously Saying He 'Will Own No House'"
Not all dads! Just some.
I have an opinion that there's no way my husband can ever be as much of a narcissistic jerk as some people's dads are.
That's very, very, very nice.
"Even though I acted that way in order to be at the top in my industry, I can change with the times."
"That's why I can go along with whatever dehumanizing thing they do, too."
"'There’s Rampant Bigotry’: The Women Taking On the Crypto Bros"
"I hang out with guys who are less terrible than The Crypto Bros" Barbie.
"Here he comes to save his day..."
"It's just too bad that no amount of success or money will make his addiction to being one those patriarchal dudes who needs everyone to fawn over him at the expense of other people's health and well-being go away..."
WOW, what a MOM.
"Farmworker Children Receive Attention from Ruiz"
“'Farm labor is incredibly dangerous work with one of the highest occupational injury rates in our nation. In fact, every three days, a child employee dies while working in agriculture,' Ruiz said in a statement 'Despite these dangerous conditions, agriculture is the only industry with little to no protections for the 400,000 young children who work in this industry every day. As the son of farmworkers, I’m working to change that. My bill, the CARE Act, would raise labor standards for child farmworkers across the country, protecting their health, safety, and overall well-being. This legislation will bring much-needed parity to farmworkers, advancing equity for the families and workers who help put food on our tables and play an essential role in our economy every day.'"
~ Raul Ruiz quoted by Cindy Uken
When's Grandma Barbie coming out?
Feeling genetically blessed, Grandma Barbie enjoys assuming all of her offspring will benefit from the narcissistic behavior patterns the patriarchal culture wanted her to perform.
This needless brutal oppression of humans
"Report: Texas' strict abortion ban linked to over 10% spike in infant deaths"
ALREADY outrages some of the not-so-narcissistic people, nowadays.
At least we know...
"Sophie Scholl and the White Rose" | The National WWII Museum
that some of the people were aghast by the oppression in the past.
Very oppressive and the opposite of good for you & your health.
People who act like they would have caved in to the Nazis just to preserve an unhealthy way of life need way more help with overcoming their addictions than you could have ever given them.
How can you tell if he works for the Unwell Patriarchy?
He attracts a bunch of people who act like rich bullies who abuse others are more important than women who throw up as they recount their suffering at being bullied.
Why do the most privileged dudes still suffer from their addictions?
Because being a bully is easy and agape is hard when you work for The Unwell Patriarchy.
Do you know the rich bullies don't even feed you?
A lot of Americans from the other side of the border have been doing that.
Ask Dads: Why do some rich guys need to bully others even if they have cult followers.
Still scarily sexist and insecure, no matter how many cult members they recruited.
Dear body, let's get back on track & continue with this...
Watch "On chronic illness, chronic fatigue, autoimmune..." by Irene Lyon
Can a higher healing power help...
with both physical and emotional pain? Being upset by people's insensitivity or addictions to Toxic Patriarchal Patterns while negotiating other physical ailments is not fun. So, I hope the good healing help will return again. Please & thank you.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
My body might be okay with it.
Watching the Barbie movie could give me the courage to put myself out there again, in spite of toxicity, warped masculinity, patriarchal oppression...
Crystal necklace wearing Barbie should be appearing soon.
The Barbie film could help the first lady who's out in the open about genuinely being a fan of wearing crystal necklaces to balance her chakras to run for president.
Some people joined the Peace Corps.
A Drive-In Movie Theater near me is now showing...
"The 'Barbie' movie ushers bimbo feminism and hyperfemininity into the mainstream"
Babysitter Skipper told me that her mom's childbirth experience was so enlightening.
The baby is a boy but mom tells Babysitter Skipper to dress her red-haired little one in pink because she doesn't want to let the color barrier bring them down.
More explanation needed. Maybe.
I don't get it. How is this activism?
"Neil Gaiman Has Good News For Fans..."
We like them.
"Can you explain how butterfly migration connects with migrant and seasonal farmworker labor?
I like this question; it’s philosophical and poetic. It’s the reality, migration goes both ways between Mexico and Michigan because of the Great Lakes and natural resources. Many people don’t know that monarchs fly all the way from Michigan to Michoacán, Mexico, in late August and September and return to the southern U.S. in March and eventually to Michigan in May.
This observed pattern signifies Michigan’s weather change and drop in temperatures in the late summer and the warming temperatures in the spring. When the butterflies migrate back north, seasonal farmworkers know that the growing season is close. It is a hard seasonal journey to endure and, in the end, there’s a beauty to this cycle of pollination and the resilience of migrant labor.
Why is honoring and recognizing migrant farmworkers so important to you?
I believe honoring migrant farmworkers is a recognition of all the people. Food is important to everyone, every day. Michigan farmworkers are essential to the Michigan economy and the food security for the entire nation. It is incredibly important that this group is recognized."
~ David Mota-Sanchez
Maybe that's why I am remembering two squashes...
When I saw some sitting around outside yesterday, I thought about how people might react if they've ever felt squashed, or like they needed to squash others before they got squashed, and how squash can be such a funny word if it's used in a certain context, and how it's nice that we have so many squashes on this planet because if they are prepared well, they can be quite enjoyable, but who is going to pay for the people who pick our squashes...???
Naturally, I went to bed with a headache.
I know it can be hard.
I remember there were unhappy patriarchal forces who trained children to be disrespectful to themselves and to each other...
People should respect people's bodies and experiences
"Casiano read aloud a doctor’s note that diagnosed her pregnancy as high risk, then began to sob and ultimately threw up, prompting the judge to call a recess.
After the hearing resumed, Casiano agreed with her lawyer’s assessment that she'd had a physical reaction to the emotional trauma she experienced during pregnancy.
Recalling certain events 'just makes my body remember and it just reacts,' Casiano said."
~ Aria Bendix
"Woman suing Texas over abortion ban vomits on the stand"
Ha, ha, just had a fun little recollection
That guy who told me he wanted to learn how to type faster even though his coworkers (all men) thought it was strange because "Isn't that what the women do." What an upstart!
Some dudes are gonna do things differently in the future.
They might act more carefully, and be more comfortable with empathy, a bit more like the mom who, sadly, also had to take her daughter off of life support in this lifetime...she was different.
Not caring is too mean.
"Zurawski’s health had deteriorated to the point where her doctor told her not to travel more than 20 minutes beyond the hospital. The nearest out-of-state option was an eight-hour drive or a flight away.
'Several times I had to listen to her heartbeat, simultaneously wanting to hear it and not wanting to hear it at the same time,' Zurawksi said of her daughter through tears. While they waited, Zurawski and her husband named the baby Willow and made plans to plant a willow tree at their new home in remembrance. Asked whether Willow was alive when Zurawski delivered her, she sobbed, 'No.'”
"Texas Denied Her Abortion Care. She Threw Up In Court" by Sara Boboltz
It matters, even if they acted otherwise.
“I don’t feel safe to have children in Texas anymore. It was very clear that my health didn’t really matter, and my daughter’s health didn’t matter.”
"Texas Denied Her Abortion Care. She Threw Up In Court" by Sara Boboltz
There once was a mother who threw up in court while recalling her trauma
"The moment my daughter came out of me, she was gasping for air — that’s all she could do,” Casiano said. 'I just kept telling my baby, ‘I’m so sorry this had to happen to you.’ There was no mercy there for her.” The girl, named Halo, died after around four hours, never meeting her four siblings.
~ Sara Boboltz
"Texas Denied Her Abortion Care. She Threw Up In Court"
But Not Forever...
"When I'm not supposed to be thinking about this privileged rich guy so everyone else will disappear, I am supposed to be thinking about that Barbie movie, or whatever."
~ A Heavily Influenced by Patriarchal Patterns Voice
"Neil Gaiman Has Good News For Fans..."
Has the Resistance reincarnated?
So a brother can tell another brother how to self- indulge?
Continuing to go see your movies, watch your shows, stream your favorites is one of the best ways to support the WGA and SAG-AFTRA right now. This content has been made, and it makes money. It helps immensely to show the studios the value of the work that writers and actors do.
If you don't go, it hurts writers and actors. Studios can say, 'Well, actually, Barbie only made $X dollars, Oppenheimer only made $Y dollars, only so-many thousands of people watched Good Omens 2, obviously there isn't enough money to go around. Sadface emoji.'
See the stuff you want to see with reckless abandon."
Quoted in
"Neil Gaiman Has Good News For Fans..."