Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Boys should be able to play with Barbies.

I got to play with little cars and blocks and Tinker Toys, which may have helped me score higher on that one spatial relations test I took in college, which I found fun, but the other girls mostly found it exasperating, judging by all the sighs in the auditorium, and since they were a bunch of young ladies who had been raised in those environments of 1980s Super Southern Feminine Gender Roles, they probably did not get their Tinker Toys to play with, for they did not do so well on that test, and they kind of made a big deal about it when we looked at our test scores because they saw that I did sort of well on it (spatial relations was my 3rd highest score, just below reading and writing.) 

Well, if the Tinker Toys did that for me, just think of what playing with Barbies will do for the boys!?

It's pretty exciting to think about it. Even when I remember it now, I still feel like it was a special experience.

However, many of the girls who grew up in the South had received more instruction in the way of dance lessons and posture, so I got that message, too.

But anyway, thank you, Tinker Toys. That was a fun lesson for me. Now, go get those boys some Barbie dolls!!!!

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