Friday, April 14, 2023

Humor is often based on personal experiences.

"Cheap Restaurants Are The Canaries im The Coal Mine."

Chefs & Writers.

"The restaurant industry is one of the worst workplaces: long, sweaty hours doing repetitive and often dangerous work, abusive behaviour in an intensely high-pressure environment, sexual harassment from co-workers, and bosses who have absorbed the idea that being a 'great chef' requires you to be a tyrant.  Chefs, often male, are like writers." 

~ Y. Nair

Need To Eat, Too!

"If you’ve ever been near a pack of male writers, you know that the air around them stinks of cheap cigarettes and bad alcohol and the desperate if often fake horniness of adolescent men who feel the need to prove to their fathers that, yes, They Are Men. Their awkward and careless misogyny is how they assert their masculinity. Similarly, chefs have to deal with the societal stigma attached to cooking, and each one ponders: 'How do I prove I can make this fantastic dish that involves stirring pasta like my grandmother and also prove that I have a sturdy penis?' The macho bullshit that so many male chefs engage in—the shouting, the abusive behaviour, the tattooing, the loudly announced and detailed accounts of their sexual adventures—all of that is a way to mark themselves as men, men, MEN, damn it."

~ Y. Nair

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