Monday, April 24, 2023

Wonder if I should re-watch "The House of Mirth" film, too?

Had flashbacks of discussing it with classmates at a professor's house! But not just because David Duchovny was in "The Chair." Back in the early 2000s, it seemed like everyone was so surprised at the other "X files" star being cast as the lead...

"Anderson seems an unexpected choice as Lily. Apparently Davies saw a still of her in 'The Mighty' (1998) and made her his first choice. Her success on 'The X-Files' might seem to disqualify her, but Anderson's talent has many notes, and I liked the presence she brought to Lily Bart. It would be wrong, I think, to cast the role as a fragile flower; Lily is a strong, healthy and competent woman who has everything she needs to lead a long and happy life, except (1) a husband, or (2) a society that provides for independent women."

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