Sunday, October 16, 2022

Hello heavenly reminders

I believe that I am at least starting to get better at understanding that it's vital for me to make more truly healing changes. At this time, in this body, in these circumstances, it feels like I need to change certain patterns for the better. Sometimes I don't know why we (Earth people) have a hard time changing & going in a more healing direction, but I just know that my health wants & needs me to get much better at it. I know I need to change for all kinds of reasons and as much healing from the universe as I can accept with grace & gratitude will probably really help me. It's a big deal to change such a pattern. It's truly something that I need higher sources to help me do. But thank you for the opportunity. And the ones who are on Earth who have experienced how it feels to accept healing from higher sources and can teach me how to get better at accepting that help...Thank you for that help, too. 

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