Sunday, October 30, 2022

Well, 50/50 is some progress

Oh, I had some really good, positive, gentle healing feelings or vibes around me this afternoon, I did, and that felt wonderful. And then I became distracted by some problems, and it was a less easy evening again. 

So now I am going to try to heal bodily issues (my sensitive lower front teeth at the moment), and emotional or mental ones (an unfortunate compulsion to chew on clothes when frustrating circumstances occur...I was doing so well! Why the relapse? Oh well), and for the spiritual healing, I really must ask a higher power to help me with becoming a more healed person again. Can we maybe go more quickly with this now? My body might really appreciate that, too.

Even if there's a repetition of mistakes, and setbacks happen, couldn't we nevertheless also continue to get much better at healing?

Maybe I will need to ask for help from higher sources in the universe everyday for the rest of this life.

Dear Universe, help me to get better at choosing the most healing ways. Please, God. It seems clear to me that I am definitely one of those who can benefit from making more healing choices, and that doing so could help me to have a much better outlook on life on this planet.

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