Saturday, March 26, 2022

Persecuting doctors and endangering human's health is not wise

"While Michigan's 1931 law allows abortions to save the life of the mother, Nessel noted that an affirmative defense is difficult to prove. and speculated that fear of prosecution would discourage doctors from performing abortions even when women's lives were at risk.

Whose prognosis counts? Consider, she says, a pregnant woman with cancer.

"An oncologist would never let you have radiation treatment or chemotherapy if you were pregnant, but an oncologist would never opine that you were going to die before the child was born," Nessel said. "It’s a guessing game."

Any trial would become a contest of dueling experts, with the outcome hinging on the jury's judgment, not a physician's."

~ Nancy Kaffer

"Opinion: End of Roe v. Wade would arm abortion foes with many tools"

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