Saturday, August 21, 2021

Holy Corporal Lesson Cowboy

Although I believe in good intentions and humor my energy at the moment seems to me to be more on the exhausted side...well perhaps a headache and sadness are some of the reasons...but I can believe in retrieved optimism too, which is why I say, isn't it a joy to recollect all these learning experiences too sometimes.

What are the important things?

Backyard flowers and sunsets at age 4.

Listening to cars go by outside the window at night.

A baby sibling and a book with color pictures.

(An adult mind gets distracted...)

"Leonardo da Vinci (Vinci 1452-Amboise 1519) - The fetus in the womb; sketches and notes on reproduction."

"Blog: Science in the Talmud"

Bathing in a fountain at age 6.

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