Saturday, June 26, 2021

Acknowledgement = helpful ripples across society

"One of Ms. Spears’s most disturbing claims this week was that she was forced to get an IUD to prevent her from having more children; it was not just her money they wanted to control, but also her body, because in entertainment, for young women, the two are almost invariably intertwined. I’ve experienced my own version of this dynamic. Growing up, my weight was openly discussed by everyone, from family members to Hollywood creatives. I’d grin and bear it, because staying silent — and thin — meant I would get hired again; getting hired again meant people would be proud of me and that I would have the money that was needed to keep the ship afloat.

Again, none of this amounts to the dynamics of control and abuse that we’ve heard about in Britney Spears’s case. But I can see how easy it would have been to slip into those dynamics. In these situations, some kind of damage is invariably done — a stunting of the ability of an individual to grow and make the most basic of decisions, or practice good boundaries."

~ A. Tamblyn

In this case, the acknowledgement is that even to the "successful," the system was far from kind. 

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