Thursday, April 29, 2021

WVD voices

"I used your WVD in my mind and now my friends and I are finished" 

-- Nasty Misogynistic Voice Again

"Don't expect me to treat you as well as my unacknowledged progeny. It is far too easy to demonstrate how my society trained me to treat Others" 

-- That One Again.

"Why would I be able to in any way validate you or your experiences when society has so clearly encouraged me to act like you and they are worthless.  Me and my suck up to the patriarchy friends win again, you and your worthless rape culture experiences will not be anyone's paycheck anytime soon." 

--Another One with many enablers again demonstrates perfectly average and acceptable 21st century ethics and approach to life.

"I have no idea how to not be another obstacle"

-- Patriarchy Speaks (not always in the body of a man, but sometimes) Again.

"Consider the less fortunate...just kidding! Why would I ever fucking do such a ridiculous thing? I am far too ensconced in my own bubble and surrounded by enablers to act like I know better. Much like a baby in a many decades older body whose needs always must be considered first, I am here to demonstrate why those rules that apply to You could never apply to Me" 

-- Someone You Know Again.

"Because the peeps I am trained to view as not so worthless are more than okay with my selfish behavior, I assume you must be, or else something must be wrong with you, not me, clearly" 

-- That One again, but kind of on a shakier pedestal lately?

"Did I make you want to throw up yet" 

-- Yes, again. 

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