Monday, April 26, 2021

Paychecks from...(guess who)

Sometimes it looks like outer success as a woman still depends a lot on Being Willfully Ignorant of the plight of other women. 

The patriarchy very obviously liked you better if you laughed at a roofies joke before the MeToo movement. Or if you went along with "she was probably lying to get attention." Some nice women were really good at that.

Being that sensitive person who felt the pain of rape victims was not what the patriarchy wanted from you. Being the patriarchy's friend by having no feelings for victims of violence was and still is rewarded by the patriarchy.

Paychecks happen.

Even after MeToo, the patriarchy likes you so much better if you go back to tending to a man's feelings first. 

Maybe it's better to find other people to think about when you start feeling this way.

Maybe this is what came up after having a dream that a teacher and a student who needed to be tutored were the same person. One was the younger version and one was the older version.

The student was a younger woman. The teacher was a woman. That was what the dream was about.

The patriarchy is ugly, oppressive, and loves your father 20 times more. Your father is also nicer than a lot of guys. He is a guy, though. Those are the the people who are supposed to... (fill in the blank). But even a lot men who seem to benefit still suffer under the patriarchy. You see that if you look more closely.

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