Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Things that come from the universe

Over the weekend, this card was shown in a certain moment and drew unexpected tears....things happen...On another day, the universe sent a message about going to a eldercare home to help people....all a part of having an experience of living on this planent...possibly might try to get the deck that had that card...


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Good morning

Healing. What I need most now. For whatever reason. I see and feel and articulate this and thank you for seeing me universe.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Monday, October 21, 2019

Feeling interested

"Between student debt and exploding household debt, Americans are being buried in fiscal promises they will never be able to keep. It is the definition of a rigged system. Debt is the ultimate social control — until it’s not, and we recognize the pernicious reality and throw the yoke off our shamed, slumped shoulders.

While the corporate news media does its best to mock Yang’s proposal of $1,000 a month in universal income, they neglect to mention that in his last book 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community' that's exactly what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called for."

~ B. Hennelly


Sunday, October 20, 2019

Better, as a matter of fact

The good thing is


I can access knowledge.



"Your Boyfriend's Gun"


Time to go on vacation.

Have you ever had an exasperating dream...

Yeah. You had one where all the teacher would do was talk about how pretty a girl's face was.

They did this in 2014

2014 - Brave New Voices (Finals) - "Somewhere in America" by Los Angeles Team

Might go there & try some

The city of good Basque food.


"More surprising, perhaps, is the inclusion of Bakersfield, where high-wage engineering jobs are juxtaposed with poverty-wage farm work."

~ M. Roosevelt


"Chavez, Kennedy and my father are gone, but the Basque restaurants remain."

~ C. Fleming



Rent cap bill.




I remember something

The girl who ran away from her parents by living on her stepfather's boat.

Some deep ecology opinionzzzzz

Hare they be.

"Deep ecology’s notion of a finite carrying capacity for Earth discounts the powerful role—and extensive track record—of human ingenuity in finding natural resources or innovating new technologies to replace or expand their supply. (Not so long ago, for example, it was hard to breathe in Pasadena.)"

~ J. Weinberger


On Sunday god created mini-golf course mathematics

Can you fool yourself into liking them...


Trick yourself.

Can just imagine how "You'll be treated like a god here" is gonna look to himself in no small amount of time.


"Hamilton took a shine to Franklin and steered important public printing jobs his way."

~ J. Weinberger

Did he really.

"In 1779, he wrote to his daughter that his face was now as well-known in Paris as the man in the moon’s, so common were the medallions, pictures, and prints of his “phiz.” He was now something of a god—“I-dol-ized,” he observed, not mentioning that some who doubted his divinity painted that phiz on the inside of chamber pots."

~ J. Weinberger


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Criaturas del agua



Sea mammal


Could be a cat or dog in the next life


Its like deep therapy

Imagine a long flight conversating about Malala's menstrual activism.

Sometimes life gets better

in the most

unexpected ways.

Look at them!!!

Amika George and Malala Youzafsai


Period Poverty : Breaking The Silence

Hiiii...Higher Power!!!!

Omg. Can it be.

I did my at home blood test, which I was immensely nervous about, on National Period Day.



We exist!!!

And now one about the "friend" question



Reading an old article for some reason

Patricia Bowman, Moira Lasch, Judge Mary Lupo


The world is changing!

It is, it is...


"My grandmother grew up poor on an Indian reservation and missed out on school when she had her period,” board member Abby Bernard said in a statement released to Global Citizen. “Toilet paper is free in bathrooms, why shouldn’t pads and tampons be free?”

~ L. Rodriguez

Really there must be a way to provide

MUCH more to persons who are in the lower income brackets


"Healing Illness with the Subconscious Mind"


Therapy for all people.

The web doesn't have every song

Like where is it.

Bless this house....keep it safe by night and day...the blood that flowed on calvary...say goodnight Joshua...

Whatever is good to listen to while making sure nothing happens (curious pets, spiders, earthquake stuff?) to a blood sample on a card as it dries...

All in a life.

Cleaning activities.
Selecting books to donate.
The plane ticket purchase.
Making plans to make better plans.
Supplements and food in the future.
Pet the cat and notice how she purrs.
Gift yourself with some sleep.
Or some alternative.

I hope I feel better about this real real real real soon

For nearly seven hours I have been drinking water and I am waiting to prick my finger for an at home blood test. I need to do it early so it can dry and be sent in the mail. Then I will hopefully get information from the test within a few weeks. But I have not even performed the finger prick test on myself yet. Why am I living this life? Why does no one else in my family have this thing I have? Why is it so hard to exist sometimes? Why did I even order this test. I guess I am curious. I felt I had to order it. Why now and not seven years ago. How does a handful of years go by so fast. Yesterday I made plans, left the apartment, got in the car, realized I couldn't drive anywhere, called to cancel, and then came back inside to change my clothes. I was wearing too many layers, I thought.  It was unsettling to wear so many layers. I put on a t-shirt and loose pants. There. That made you feel better, didn't it? There is going to be something good happening in the future again somewhere down the line.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Could happen

"I bet you he's going to be outside his own impeachment trial scalping tickets."

~ Trevor Noah


Tailbone's Imperfect Stories

X: When I had a massage there, that's supposed to be the survival area, you know, some images came to me. Like, I saw Indian boys in a chapel in white clothes. They were being Christianized.
Y: Where were the girls?


X:  Didn't see the girls for some reason. They probably separated them from the boys.  Maybe the girls were off in a separate area, sewing.


Y: Oh, they were sewing.
X: And I also saw a family, you know, like a man, a wife, kids...They had "strong family values." They grew food on the land and now they were getting ready to eat...they were bowing their heads to pray.


Y:  And when you saw that family praying, they said "Thank you Jesus for this food." And he said....
X + Y: "De nada!"


Such a simple recipe

And increased knowledge about frozen tomatoes




"A former park ranger notes that 'Holly was single this summer and able to devote all her energy toward herself.'"

& all thanks to AITA...


Sometimes the universe sends a bird

I don't know why this guy can't just be a better person to his wife during her endometriosis flare-up, but that "dare me" response will not be forgotten any time soon.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Those sound like October 2019 words

"The president doesn’t have the foggiest idea what he is doing."

~ E. Robinson


Yesterday was....

World Food Day


Oooh, another idea

Imagine an enjoyable ride away from destructive old patterns and towards a better life!



If you're one of those who has been mediocre with women and unnecessarily treated the women in your industry very poorly, now you can start figuring out why and how to fix it. Make positive changes that respect your soul. Your disrespect of them was a reflection of your treatment of a part of yourself, too. You can even ask yourself, "How did I learn this was okay? Why have other women made excuses for my disappointing and foolish behavior for so long. What was the trade off for them?" And "How can I be healthier human being in the future?" This is for your self, too. It is good for you to learn how to be a better person.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cherries in yogurt! (dairy-free sometimes)

A simple delight for which I am truly grateful.

Gonna get that healthy gratitude attitude thing going


Because the body is being so frickin'  mean this week. Sorry, body. But it's been like that, you know.

More geniuses



A hopeful woman

"Every month, Huck makes the rounds of homeless encampments in Chatsworth, delivering clothing, food, supplies and spiritual support. On the day of the protest, she showed up to answer questions residents might have.

“They told me, ‘We’re worried about how are we going to monitor what they’re doing?’” Huck said, shaking her head at the irony: As if homeowners are the only ones entitled to privacy.

“I understand their side,” she insists. They worry about trash, disorder, falling property values.

But the way she sees it, that’s not much different from what people thought 50 years ago, when her father tried to use his GI Bill to move their family into a suburban neighborhood near Chicago. 

“No white family would sell to us,” she recalled. “They thought blacks would bring the neighborhood down. When I see that same resistance here to homeless people, it hurts me personally.” 

Still Huck is hopeful, because she’s seen standoffs resolved."

~ S. Banks


That was another experience on this planet

The "Happy Man" documentary.


I have to negotiate with her

Body how are you.
Can we talk.
Healing music.

Now is a time to begin

A real question

In a song in a time of unnecessary meanness


What becomes of the broken-hearted...

Not included

Why aren't you more trustworthy like you used to be....

Of dreams....

Waking Dream


I have not seen it yet though.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A lot needs to change...

"Hidden within the world of homelessness has always been a subset of individuals, usually single parents, with jobs; what’s different now is the sheer extent of this phenomenon. For a widening swath of the nearly seven million American workers living below the poverty line, a combination of skyrocketing rents, stagnant wages, and a lack of tenant protections has proved all but insurmountable."

~ B. Goldstone



"Women’s greater reliance on benefits and tax credits has meant that austerity measures from 2010 disproportionately affected women of a working and childbearing age"

~ A. Sanders & R. Shorrocks


There's another day of learning coming up

Born in a body and learning from a body.

There's nothing like a few days of ill health and pain management to make you think, gee, if I hadn't had this and this benefit in my life, would I be homeless or maybe even not alive here on Earth anymore by now?

I think of a relative who might have had something similar to my problems...she was addicted to pain pills, often angry, and always felt misunderstood.

Now I think, "I am sorry the medicine could not help you more."

I can go on the internet and research all about alternative treatments and herbal tinctures. I can find multiple remedies to try from different websites and listen to podcasts. I can find out about people who have somewhat similar problems and not feel so alone sometimes. What if she had had that?

She didn't have such easy access to that kind of information.

Not quite yesterday

People doing things for the planet.


Aaaaaa picture of a beekeeper.


Two Words: Black Cohosh

"This herb was widely used by eastern Native American tribes including the Cherokee, Iroquois, Penobscot and Micmac. These tribes #1 use of Black cohosh was for the relief of pain. In 1749 von Linne describes it as an herb for female debility and pain relief, as well as a cardiac (heart) tonic and uterine tonic. It appears in botanical literature as early as 1680. Black cohosh was used extensively by the Eclectics for women’s muscular pains, uterine pain, tender uterus, irregular pains, and dysmenorrhea. This herb was also widely used as a mild sedative."

~ D. Barton


I took a tincture.


Goddess, she is my friend today.

I hope life in a body today is better than yesterday.

Chronic intense pain is scary. Bless this life. Care for this body. Higher healing methods have helped people and you are also a person who can be helped. Believe....

Maybe he could write a book sometime

About men using their intellects to justify their emotional decision-making.

What makes a song




Wind down & sleep again.

Hmmm. What about this.
Emerging Planetary Medicines
(F. Cook)

You flew in your sleep. Now what?



Monday, October 14, 2019

Such rough times on Earth

This body & I.


Building things



Did they have phones...of course not...


And there is the health of the world to consider

I  have


an interest


in this!




I almost wonder if I need church

A day in bed...time went fast

Exhaustion. Why did no one teach me this?


Body...what do you need....???


I know you're tired.

Tears mentioned

Friend recommended House of Broken Angels...


Maybe phone book club will happen.


This sounds like a good festival.


"Monumental" day

He sent me this:


Meals are great

How to even document the many, many moments of pain and exhaustion. Or the joy of getting enough energy back to have tuna with gluten free pasta and broccoli.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


This is so nice.


Sweet Beginnings.


Systemic hurdles

This one is about farmers and the government.


Quality of life is impacted when people have had extra roadblocks to deal with.

"USDA and federal farm policy are largely responsible for driving black people out of farming almost entirely. Black farmers lost around 90 percent of the land they owned between 1910 and 1997, while white farmers lost only about 2 percent over the same period."

~ N. Rosenberg & B. Stucki


Only a partial account

"The Life of A Song..."

Kedi Adam


Sunny Sunny Sunday

How the other half of the other half of the other half lives....


"I loved his cherry red couch, in this windowless cave for short people only. He drank a bottle of wine a day and railed against my “addict exes,” denying his own alcoholism. He had a big, wonderful epileptic dog, and a cat who would mash her sweet face into my hand, to ask for cuddles.

One time, I broke up with him because he refused to get phở with me until I changed my shoes, because “you can’t wear Converse with a skirt.'"

~ D. Reeder

A) How can someone with such a great cat be so awful

B) Such a good pen name

Jewelry,,,, Okay!!!!

This. HAS. Everything!


Just kidding, just joking, not really, but it still has a lot.

~~~In another corner of the universe~~~

A friend told me about this...became curious...this author has some very interesting observations...


Another, from a chronic illness POV...


Saturday, October 12, 2019

🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰 🌳



Because ~~~~ just dies so much lately

I am sorry


*&^%$#@! gets interrupted


by more terrible things.


Oh the amygdala needs


  1. \_(ツ)_/
  2. !!!!!!





Chirp again

How do they know that observing the birds in a tree next to the window isn't also a really important way to occupy one's time.




So many


Friday, October 11, 2019

7 night lights

Good drink song


  Eres medicinal


Burnt wine


CAMUS ur a fine




Add recipe to search...

Googling "militas" and results are "militia."


Oh it was supposed to be "mulitas."


What on EARTH.


For a Friday

Was it sad when Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee: "Just Tell Him You’re The President” (Season 7, Episode 1) got interrupted by a ghastly ad for President Trump wants to poll you on socialism.



Ads for Napa Valley and a Latino radio station  nightclub in Anaheim are so much more relaxing.

S5 E5


This one...


"During the Depression, our economic problems were being blamed, like always, on the immigrants. The Hoover administration had a policy of “real jobs for real Americans,” and since people of Mexican descent were not considered real Americans, between one and two million of them were deported in cattle cars to Mexico. A majority of them were citizens from the United States, and among them was my grandfather.

His deportation broke up my family. My father was raised without a father, and the pain of this forced separation haunts our family to this day.
I have relatives I didn't even know I had. I recently met one of my father’s sisters, who is now in her 90s. She was born in the United States and she doesn't speak English anymore. When I see families being separated on the border today, I know that the pain they generate will last for generations. So my idea for “El Norte” was born in the middle, at the border, but I understood that the border was simply part of a process. The story had to go deeper into Latin America, so you could understand the world where the people came from and why they had to leave it, as well as go deeper into el Norte—the United States—so that people could understand what happens to them after they arrive. "

~ G. Nava


How do they know that hanging out in a park and observing birds isn't an important way to occupy one's time.

Birds as Environmental Indicators

Ever wonder who makes films for cats

"Please enjoy our feature, Agile and Flighty."

The Day of the Girl

It is today.


He mentions a female director...


No longer a girl, she says...


Maybe she got burnt out.


"Because it’s one thing to be a woman in this business, but let me tell you something, it’s another thing to be an older woman in this business."

~ P. Spheeris

Words at breakfast

"Everything you eat has been touched by a refugee or undocumented person. Everything. Our buildings are built by the undocumented. Our food is picked by the undocumented. Our children are cared for by the undocumented. [Trump’s golf course] hires the undocumented. This is central to our society, and it’s integrated into our society. If you deport everybody, the whole economy of the United States would collapse."

~ G. Nava


Or any other meal time...


Another movie I have not seen...

is El Norte for some reason.


I never saw this movie but when I was young I passed by it many times in the video store. I think my stepfather and mother commented it, as if they felt it was a very good film.

Last month I was walking around a campus with a woman who wanted to find a job in the film industry after she got her degree but could not because she was undocumented. Now she has the preferred legal status but has moved on to other things. We admired a lot about the campus--it was our evening's entertainment, and her alma mater. At one point, she commented on all the students whose parents can pay for them to go to such a fine school...how could they fail? she asked.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

People are

"...characters whom viewers have come to care about and who aren’t, no matter what corporate says, quite so expendable."

~ A. Wicks

There is this opera though

Scalia / Ginsburg 


Based on real people.


Self self self self self?

Sorry about the good intentions gone awry.


Its amazing how many times I have been told I am mellow and laid back. Can type A's just have their fun without inflicting needless misery on others?

Three lives...ideas...

One lived in a canyon with a dog as a companion. Spells of poor health made it difficult for him to hold a job. The medical community had been unhelpful, so he did not go to them for treatment. Two became adept at pleasing the most highly insecure set of people she had ever met and walked that path for a while. Details? Details. Three found another way of being in the world. How did she do that...

This "ask" idea

"In her 2018 book Ask Me About my Uterus, Abby Norman initially defies the odds as a newly emancipated minor from an abusive home by earning a scholarship to Sarah Lawrence. She desperately wants to stay at the only place she’s ever felt at ease—but as doctors continue to dismiss her pain and misdiagnose her Endometriosis, she can no longer keep up with classes and is forced to quit college and dancing."

~ C. Biggs


Medical drama.
Who needs awareness about this?

"There remain a slew of women’s health issues that are underfunded and lack awareness—and medical sexism remains rampant. Most of the medications on the market today were developed without any consideration for women’s bodies: The NIH did not mandate that all pre-clinical research include female subjects until 2016, and the FDA only stopped excluding women from trials in 1993."

~ C. Biggs


Throat sounds

I woke up and my throat was vibrating in a way I had never felt before. Three times. I don't know how it did that.







Sometimes people light up towers

For awareness.

Imagine if all entitled rich people walked around celebrating by saying, "I don't assault people. I just dehumanize them and make them so uncomfortable they quit the industry."


MEMO to more than one

"It doesn't have to be assault to be bad, Morgan Freeman"

How to shut women out with horrible behavior

"Devastated" ?


I don't think so.

The bar is low, and even other women make excuses for abusive men because of selfish privilege and money.

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

People need healthy vegetables and fruits and...

"One-third of farmworkers in California speak indigenous languages from southern Mexico, including Triqui and Mixteco. Many don't speak Spanish or English."

~ J. Raff


Vogue covers

First seen on a good food instagram


"Martínez de Salas said she’s been planning this anniversary edition for months. She recalled her biggest regret in her time at the magazine is having had Aparicio only on the Mexico cover and not the Latin America issue. She said she feared people would think it was too Mexican and wouldn’t extend a reach to other parts of Latin America.

'I learned that the audience wants our cover to project different types of beauty, thus showing all women in the region.'

Yes, we do."

~ A. Cruz


Delivery of imagery

"Calm And Soothing Geometric Landscape Photo Manipulations"

by Victoria "Witchoria" Siemer


For she is your friend.

Court calm.

Feeling it

Oh why my eyes
This early a.m.
Need a better life
Oh why my body
How can it happen
May sleep heal this soon

Oh this



Sunday, October 06, 2019

The attention of two

"There are competing explanations for the rise in inequality. Those on one side argue that wealth concentration is natural as a result of globalization, technology gains, and economic growth, which give enormous rewards to the smartest, innovative, and most hardworking people. Drastically increasing tax rates, they say, would discourage innovation and hurt the economy.

The other camp sees rising inequality as unfair, immoral, and a threat to society.

Saez and Zucman are firmly in the second camp."

~ N. Krishan


"The American economy just doesn’t function very well when tax rates on the rich are low and inequality is sky high. It was true in the lead-up to the Great Depression, and it’s been true recently. Which means that raising high-end taxes isn’t about punishing the rich (who, by the way, will still be rich). It’s about creating an economy that works better for the vast majority of Americans.

In their book, Saez and Zucman sketch out a modern progressive tax code."

~ D. Leonhardt

& Breathe

We are just living in a certain era. Still here.

Some interesting info here too...

"Things may seem grim at times, but I’m stunned by how far LA’s elected officials have shifted on criminalizing poverty just in the last few months."

"Feuer recalled and quashed nearly 150,000 city warrants, and moved to dismiss about 800,000 pending years-old infraction citations. Lacey took action to dismiss 248,000 county warrants and dismiss roughly 900,000 pending infraction citations — more than half of which are older than 10 years, she said.

Gary Blasi, a retired UCLA professor who specializes in researching homelessness, said erasing warrants and citations will have significant impact on people who can see a bench warrant spiral into a situation that prevents them from getting a job or housing."

~ M. Puente, R. Winton


Music is magic

The Who ~ Miles and Miles


Maybe someone will dress up as the stamp.


Life, death, and peevishness.

Sing something sweet...

Like..."Salted Caramel Ice Cream" ???


The "Happiest Place"

is Finland.



"Nearly half of women suffer sexual, physical violence"

"Migrant women face racism, harassment"

"High risk of poverty among elderly women"


Patriarchy is inefficient.

Squishy exists




Friday, October 04, 2019

Nearly so

5 minutes to Compline.

What if there were movies about Christine de Pizan and her convent sisters.

And Joan.

And the sibyls and ladies...etc. etc.


x: scrunchy face

y: stoic face
y: here to display my uxoricidable ego

x: woe is he


Have found something interesting...




"L.A. wants state of emergency declared as homeless crisis worsens"


This was a good article.

"As the headline said on a Morrison blog post two years ago:

'Once You’ve Seen Trieste, You Can’t Pretend It Doesn’t Exist.'”

~ S. Lopez


A light! A calling...

“' I felt called to this,' Morrison says now."


"Morrison won a fellowship to further her studies, checked out mental health programs in other U.S. cities, and traveled to a town in Belgium where families “foster” adults with mental illness. Last year, she gave notice to the property owners group that she’d be leaving her job in February to devote her full attention, unpaid, to her cause."

 "But it was a trip to Trieste, on the uppermost rim of the Adriatic in Northern Italy, that turned her despair into hope."
~ S. Lopez


Friday the Fourth is here

Here's a book that business people liked back in the day and it came to my mind for some reason. Probably only because of cute drawings.


It also has feminism in in it!

Happy Anniversary of some terrible unnecessary action that someone has done to someone, somewhere, surely.

What grown food becomes





Pretty old website, huh



I guess he's done other things.


Opera is in the universe, too











"At some point, customers started sticking dollar bills to the ceiling — a nice trick in a two-story-high room (hint: it involves a thumbtack and the weight of a silver dollar). Every February, Wall takes down the money and uses it to throw a free feast to all comers. In Adami’s day, it was a liver feed, but Wall has branched out to buffalo burgers, crawdads and more."

~ A. Murdock 


A good time.


Thursday, October 03, 2019

Learn some French

That could be something to do again




How did it end up this way

What a time to feel tired.

There are people who came to the planet as beautiful innocent souls and then got corrupted by years of poor choices and bizarre circumstances and never healing from abuse and investing in materialistic things instead of healthy relationships and that soul is hiding under the mask in tatters...The sadness is almost unreal.

This is why people get religious, surrender, go into seclusion.

There is dessert in the universe

"'Funny, isn’t it? It turns out that the pie in the sky is the same pie that’s in your refrigerator' -Philip Glass"


Pie as medium


More visuals




And for my internalized patriarch

Kellyanne should actually listen to her husband.

"The people have a right to know, and a need to see. Many people have watched all of Trump’s behavior, and they’ve drawn the obvious conclusion. They know something’s wrong, just as football fans knew that the downed quarterback had shattered his leg. Others have changed the channel, or looked away, or chosen to deny what they’ve seen. But if Congress does its job and presents the evidence, those who are in denial won’t be able to ignore the problem any longer. Not only because of the evidence itself, but because Donald Trump will respond in pathological ways—and in doing so, he’ll prove the points against him in ways almost no one will be able to ignore."

~ G. Conway



Now is then and now is now

This Is What High Schoolers Like Me Are Learning... by J. Melnik

"My peers and I fear coming forward to report any forms of sexual violence because we have no effective recourse. When I was in 9th grade, I was sexually harassed by a group of boys. When I came forward to report my harassers, I was scrutinized by my peers, who told me that I was 'ruining their reputations' and that it was 'just a joke.' I regretted my decision almost instantly. My decision to report came so easily when I was calling 911 in a panicked fear that somebody was violating the safety of my home. But I did not have the same confidence reporting my harassers."

~ J. Melnik


"I will not be silenced. I will not let my younger sister be told that her experiences should be swept under the rug so that her male friends can get their prep school scholarships and their football scholarships, while she sits in silence and fear of coming forward.

Adults; The #TimesUp for you to address these issues in your young people’s lives. Silence is complicity. This issue is not a liberal or conservative issue; it is a moral issue. We are all watching history being written before our eyes; please do not be on the wrong side of it."

~ J. Melnik


Him again

That guy that wants his own comfort to come first. As one Father to another Father. Again.
Another example of a case in which

 "rich dudes love prioritizing being in clubs with other rich dudes over women’s safety."

~ E. Alford


Learning opportunities

"Yes, we have inspiring examples, famous and non-famous, whom we can point to. But with social mobility decreasing, unthinkable amounts of wealth being held by just a tiny percentage of the population, and with an upswell in racism and bigotry across the western world, it stretches credulity to breaking point to suggest hard work is all that is needed for success.

Maybe, just maybe, if we as adults actually started practising what we preached then our children wouldn’t need to go on strike and could instead focus on their own futures. But for the time being, with the adult world so filled with hypocrisy and inaction, I’m glad we have an ever increasing group of young people who aren’t listening to their elders, and instead are being seen and heard."

~R. Russo


Rigged game

Even with a board game....

"After 15 minutes, the experimenters asked the subjects to discuss their experience of playing the game. When the rich players talked about why they’d won, they focused on their brilliant strategies rather than the fact that the whole game was rigged to make it nearly impossible for them to lose. 'What we’ve been finding across dozens of studies and thousands of participants across this country,' said Piff, 'is that as a person’s levels of wealth increase, their feelings of compassion and empathy go down, and their feelings of entitlement, of deservingness, and their ideology of self-interest increases.'"

~ C. Chin


Feet touching feet

Eyes open now; will close soon.

Sometimes wonder how this world can feel so brutal and yet still there is access to healing.

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Admirable dogvotion

"Water you doing"

Very famous Puccini aria

"Mysterious viral LA subway singer is revealed as classically trained musician who was made homeless by medical bills"


Wondering if she has cats?

Theme: Tolls

"What we found out, I should warn you, is not uplifting."

~ R. Traister 


On images and health







Circling back...






They were all babies once

Wonder what happened.

"Because of her experience, she said she decided to leave the movie industry."

~ B. Verhoeven


Lost, lost, lost, lost, lost.

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Women, Cleaning, Climate Change

"12 minutes. Of my time. That I’ll never get back. I briefly considered these 12 minutes multiplied by thousands of 'this is on you' instances required to get through each of my days and began to understand acutely why so many women are running against the clock from the moment we wake up.

What might not be so clear, because it wasn’t to me that night, is: Why was this on me?

Why domestic work falls to women

The answer came to me 12 minutes later when I returned to our bedroom after cleaning up the mess in the front yard, still wearing rubber gloves: Seth was not valuing my time equally to his."

~ E. Rodsky


"From sinking islands to drought-ridden savannas, women bear an outsize burden of the global—warming crisis, largely because of gender inequalities. In many parts of the world, women hold traditional roles as the primary caregivers in families and communities, and, as the main providers of food and fuel, are more vulnerable when flooding and drought occur; the U.N. estimates 80% of those who have been displaced by climate change are women.

Given their position on the front line of the climate-change battle, women are uniquely situated to be agents of change—to help find ways to mitigate the causes of global warming and to adapt to its impacts on the ground."


Migrated here

“What I realize now is that even if I had followed Sheryl’s playbook perfectly, corporate culture as we know it was simply not built with women in mind,” Baum says. “In fact, it’s not just corporations. All of the systems that define our society—our government, our jobs, capitalism as a whole—were all built by white men and, therefore, are naturally suited for the success of other white men.”



The scandal is the mini-bar binge...
