Tuesday, October 15, 2019

There's another day of learning coming up

Born in a body and learning from a body.

There's nothing like a few days of ill health and pain management to make you think, gee, if I hadn't had this and this benefit in my life, would I be homeless or maybe even not alive here on Earth anymore by now?

I think of a relative who might have had something similar to my problems...she was addicted to pain pills, often angry, and always felt misunderstood.

Now I think, "I am sorry the medicine could not help you more."

I can go on the internet and research all about alternative treatments and herbal tinctures. I can find multiple remedies to try from different websites and listen to podcasts. I can find out about people who have somewhat similar problems and not feel so alone sometimes. What if she had had that?

She didn't have such easy access to that kind of information.

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