Sunday, October 06, 2019

& Breathe

We are just living in a certain era. Still here.

Some interesting info here too...

"Things may seem grim at times, but I’m stunned by how far LA’s elected officials have shifted on criminalizing poverty just in the last few months."

"Feuer recalled and quashed nearly 150,000 city warrants, and moved to dismiss about 800,000 pending years-old infraction citations. Lacey took action to dismiss 248,000 county warrants and dismiss roughly 900,000 pending infraction citations — more than half of which are older than 10 years, she said.

Gary Blasi, a retired UCLA professor who specializes in researching homelessness, said erasing warrants and citations will have significant impact on people who can see a bench warrant spiral into a situation that prevents them from getting a job or housing."

~ M. Puente, R. Winton

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