Saturday, February 09, 2019

It's 2019 and libraries are great

Kids, the waiting lists for Becoming and Winners Take All are something to behold.

In the meantime, happy to indulge in a little ANTICIPATORY READING.

"It just so happened that when I was there, the topic was how to disrupt writing. One of the questions that the VC proposed, was ‘can we use AI to replace all the writers?’ and I was there in the room. In the chapter, I basically described the discussion in which two VCs and a room full of brilliant AI geeks had a discussion about how we could get rid of all the writers. There were a couple of Europeans in the room, and they were the only people who were like, 'what about arts and culture? Aren’t their books that couldn’t be written by AI?' It was crazy to see. Everybody else was like 'no, no, it’s fine. We can disrupt that.' I watching this room of men decide that they would 'get rid of all the writers' and two 'money men', from very serious VC firms, who could put the money behind those ideas. I remember the last line of the chapter was ‘there was one woman in the room and she never spoke’."

~ A. Giridharadas

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