Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Funny/sad humor

"In a major reversal, Ivanka Trump comes out in favor of working for what you get."

~ A. Giridharadas

"Despite the president's over-the-top hyping for the economy, real wages have remained flat, thanks to factors like persistent inflation, a regressive tax policy, the erosion of the manufacturing sector, and—above all—the unyielding corporate law principle of shareholder supremacy.

 This dynamic is the reason why Ocasio-Cortez-esque politics are on the rise within the Democratic Party, and why millions of Americans are re-examining their reflexive, Soviet-era animosity towards things labeled "socialist." It's also why so many jobs guarantee proposals now sit firmly in the political mainstream: In a country in which 4 in 5 people live paycheck-to-paycheck, unfettered capitalism is very obviously not addressing the basic needs Trump identifies here. While straining to repudiate the merits of a federal employment safety net, she manages to offer a spirited argument for enacting one as soon as possible.

This is not the first time Ivanka Trump has visibly struggled to resolve the cognitive dissonance created by her burning desire for her liberal New York City friends to like her on the one hand, and her craven loyalty to this administration on the other. As is often the case these days, the most compelling arguments for taxing the rich come straight from the rich who would be taxed."

~ J. Willis


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