Sunday, November 25, 2018

An attempt with words

A person in a female body is worth more than what society says. Society props up certain people for really dicey reasons...Both women and men do this, and it is painful on all levels. It is a real drag and a downer and it is part of what makes the levels of inequality in the physical realm so sickening, and abuses of power so rampant. It feels really wrong.

In this life, I have experienced pain which is particularly feminine. At times I have been unpleasantly acquainted with ways people who never got healing can be destructive to others. For instance, I used to have a song that I felt was part of my healing. In many ways, it got ruined because people who were irresponsible in their actions...unfortunately  I now know more about petty cruelty than I used to, and wish I did not. That is not what I want in my life.

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