Friday, November 17, 2017

Little things, good things. Bright things, gentleness...

and survival

Today I dreamed of talking to a man I met who is now gone (he died too young!) about eating sandwiches. When I woke up, I was sick.

Eventually I went back to sleep and dreamed I was talking to my boyfriend about the previous dream. "But we were only talking about eating sandwiches," I said as he sagely nodded.

After that I also dreamed that a motherly woman told me what's going on with my health is not normal. Duh.

The state of my health seems to tell me that the old ways don't work for some people. Being "tough" can misfire. It messes with people's chemical make up. It hurts their hearts. It can send them to an early grave.

We need to find better ways of dealing with things in life. Humans with different genetics should be able to survive and even thrive.

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