Friday, November 10, 2017

And I love her....

So I will find her some new songs and practices and habits.

I want to cry. Honestly feeling like my body is a tougher teacher than any hardcore macho physical fitness instructor out there, but she doesn't want me to be like that. I need to find alternate ways of success because of her. I can't fit in where others seem to because of her, so I have to make a new path. What a demanding teacher. I have felt almost worn down by symptoms and have been very healthy with my diet... isn't a healthy diet for a few days enough? Like a child who needs balance and nurturing, this body needs more than a few days of healthy food...and because of this, I still see where I need to make a lot of changes & improvements. She is demanding that I find joy and peace and kindness and dignity. She shapes my life. I love her.

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