Saturday, July 08, 2017


I KNOW I can work with and have fun with really helpful men and women who listen to me and take my viewpoint into consideration because I found them. I had that experience, and it was great, even as I got pushed out of another environment where I had thought it could be otherwise.

I really don't think that a system of men being in charge and only rewarding certain women who tolerate or go along with some (not all) people's unhealthy immaturity and sexism is "empowering women" because it is rewarding those who act like they don't care about how other women are treated or if other women are excluded, just so long as they get personal benefit.

But as a result of being in the place where I felt more depreciated by some than I had expected to feel, I also met a nice energetic girl who encouraged me, invited me to yoga, and talked with me about cool stuff we're both interested in. She didn't make me feel sad by ignoring what I have to say or choosing a boys club over me. That was a better experience for me.

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