Sunday, July 30, 2017

Not a panacea for sure...

The ones who might have been different acted out and just wanted everybody to go along with them. Maybe they are more sheltered and don't see the harm. Maybe they say they are too tough to care. Maybe they say, just return a sexist volley with a sexist volley. Maybe tbey are in denial about the sexism or how they enable sexism.
Maybe they say this is what the real world is like. Maybe they have lower standards. Why couldn't you just go along with their behavior? Because. Because. Because. It degraded the quality of the experience and turned it into one in which some people are treated as less than. It was a bad feeling. Worse things were around the corner. Worse things happened, too. Sometimes the consequence is painful isolation, and maybe the thoughtless ones just get a little slap on the wrist. They were capable of being better and they weren't all bad, but they were thoughtless and tolerant of poor behavior. Sometimes it seems like the whole country became like that when the current president was elected.

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