Sunday, July 30, 2017

Okay body and stuff

Temperature time... My body says sexy is part of nature's cycle and sexy can be healing and sexy is not what the problem really is. For instance maybe a man can be a healer and have multiple girlfriends if he really is wise and truly respectful of all of them. But such a man is also a threat to society because he'd listen to those women more than he would listen to adherents of an old fashioned patriarchal system which wants him to acquire a wife like a piece of property and run the household under his last name. The health challenges I have are showing me that I need to listen to this body. I need a higher healing power from the universe for both the physical symptoms I experience and for the feelings. It's a challenge when I see how people who squelch their feminine sides treat women, so what is to be done? The intellect is limited when it comes to healing trauma and there is no message in any financial guru's book about how to recover from rape culture. If I can't get this knowledge from a book, then I want to become a better listener, especially to my body and to my inner healer. I have to believe in an inner healer and I have to believe there are benevolent energies in the universe...

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