Tuesday, June 06, 2017


Do you still aim to be comfortably accommodated just as long as you are continuously propping up male egos...

"HARI SREENIVASAN: And so how does the town respond when they see these women picketing policies of the Trump administration?

ELIZABETH FLOCK: Not well. They have gotten a lot of pushback from the town, from everyone from the local fraternity brothers at the nearby college, to their husbands, to their neighbors, to people at the high school.

Some of their kids have been made fun of for the women protesting. Other women go home at night and their husbands get after them for appearing on the front page with a protest sign. So, for them, I think it’s a constant struggle to keep protesting, in light of the reaction that they are getting."

~ http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/meet-women-taking-stand-trump-country/

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