Tuesday, July 07, 2015


 "You know my methods."

There is no jingling sound outside. Is the cat okay? Did she go somewhere? I used a comb and a cat toy this weekend. She had tried to get inside. I placated her on the front step. I bought a flea comb. I spoke about using it, and about noticing the tufts of hair the cat had been pulled out, wondering aloud if it was from fleas or nervousness? Saw her in a window meowing over the weekend and waved but... then  I had dreams. A dream of petting a sick cat. A dream of letting that cat run in my apartment.
And then that cat was gone.
And then, other cats.
And then a party (of people.)
And then the people got sick. (Perhaps food poisoning.)
And then being alone, wrapped in nothing but a towel, wandering the streets, lost...had a key though...home could not be located on the phone...


Late in the A. M.
I heard the jingle! Petting and a small brushing. Inside, heard the pitiful mewing. Returned outdoors and stayed longer, picking burrs out of a blanket. Went indoors, felt more content. Opened the door to give molasses-water to plants. Cat was napping on the mat. Put out a dish of water, so the cat won't drink out of the watercress saucer.

No kitty on the step. Heard the jingle inside the window, though...
Stay tuned for more thrillsome updates.

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