Friday, March 22, 2013


The people in the picture for this article almost have my stove! Except my stove burners have flames. But I think it might be electric, but it has flames? If that's possible? Maybe my stove is better, i.e. will work if there is a power outage? Or no? I think I should know this.

"The number of suburban residents living in poverty rose by nearly 64 percent between 2000 and 2011, to about 16.4 million people, according to a Brookings Institution analysis of 95 of the nation’s largest metropolitan areas. That’s more than double the rate of growth for urban poverty in those areas."

"The rate of poverty among single mothers actually improved dramatically through the 1990s, thanks to a strong economy, more favorable tax breaks and the success of so-called welfare-to-work programs. But two recessions and years of high unemployment erased many of those gains."

--Sprawling and struggling

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