Saturday, March 30, 2013


Frog and Toad books are tremendous. Stories like "Dragons and Giants" and "The Dream" might be the ones that have stuck with me the most. (Not the titles, but certain passages and illustrations.) I've been told that doing this volunteer tutoring thing might not be possible for much longer because of some kind of requirement having to do with just working with adults or possibly tutoring the parent to help the kid instead...what? I don't understand that, but anyways, this kid thanked me for those books as if I were the one giving them to him, and that was sweet. I would like to post an illustration or two, but I didn't check the book out because it was for the kid. I really should own it.

(A pdf with the stories, but sadly missing the wonderful illustrations)

Also, blog posts:

Hah. "I had this book when I was a kid, and I remember that there was something deeply, deeply disturbing about it, to the point that I didn’t like reading it even while I had some unhealthy fascination with it. So I seized the chance to read it today, wondering just what it was that upset me so when I was little." (from "addlepated")

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