Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Picture-y things

By coincidence, as I started this post, I heard about an event (on the radio) that sounded interesting, because I know almost nothing about the topic, but I would not be able to go to it, because I have an appointment to be here instead... So I looked at some peoples' "things" online today and found some pictures. I don't know who this guy is. But I know that his last name means "Christmas" in Italian, because my old school friends told me that, and we had the same sophomore year English teacher. The caption under the photo is about when he gave a photographer "the look." It made me think...I remember a picture in which someone had a "look." This would be the male parent of my step-parent. A military guy. The difference between the two is that one is a photo and the one I used to see was a painting. Also, the guy in the photo is supposed to look mean/don't mess with me, but he looks at you. I feel like you can tell he's got a sense of humor inside. In the parent-of-step-parent painting, I felt like the guy was smiling like he wanted to look nice. But he didn't look at you. He looked menacing. I didn't hear stories about him being mean, or anything. I didn't hear much about him at all...I saw two of my school friends recently. One of them bought two kinds of fresh figs, which I ate for the first time. I enjoy fresh figs...

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