Monday, November 29, 2010

Some things

Certainly can exercise to any type of music. Sister's e-mail: Worried about unit mission. Father's e-mail: A few 4 star generals are known. Maybe they were in his class or now are on the e-mail prayer list. Who knows, perhaps they were at a childhood BBQ. For some reason this is more strange to ponder than the talk of the unit mission. Before: Celery and Greek yogurt and cayenne pepper. Good for digestion. After: Leftover broccoli salad, even though it was not that appetizing. Wolfed down in nervousness.
How many army brats are or aren't food wolfers? Could be an interesting study. One day there was a confession, tough to make. Hard to admit, when earliest years were spent waiting for the voice that read the books on tape to return from a foreign land, and objects like hard green hats meant for combat were beheld with love, and vowing to be...all you can be...
Confession: could probably never be in that profession, would probably collapse in a ball of shattered nerves.
Confessor's response: I think you're gonna be okay.

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